Managing healer threat in Heroics

Mark what?

Are you saying that when there are 3 mobs, 5 mobs, … however many mobs, you:

a.) Have no idea which mob you should be targeting?
b.) Have no idea which mob you should be using your CC on?
c.) Have no clue how to FF on a tanks target?
d.) Are actually going to pull aggro in any case whatsoever that is OK?

Here’s what I call you: Liar (or something worse).

Mark a kill target and any cc targets. As well as kill order it takes no time to do so and in fact can and should be done while fighting the last mob of the pack before without losing any dps or time otherwise while the casters mana up.

No I don’t know the mobs the tank wants me to cc pre mark as per his plan I am not I kind reader. Nor do I know if he plans to charge in or kite back having done a number a groups every tank dose things his own way and expects different things claiming otherwise would only make you a liar. You should not be expecting a dps to read your mind as a tank then needing to is a failure as a tank.

A good tank will be tabing accross the pull using target assist or target or target plates are only so good. Prime example I almost never target the kill target on pull when losing. Will put range attacks on off targets as the main target will have more than enough threat once in melee so it’s more effective to add a bit to the off targets at first to ensure the healer dosent pull than tab by a feral druid should never be spending more than 2-3 globals on a target of the pull to get some basic threat just swiping is not good. As such expecting dps to know the kill target is a vary unreasonable request esp as many packs have two high prio kill mobs so which of the two your going to kill first is a toss up esp in groups your not using cc.

4 if your talking about a dps pulling agro yes they can and will in many cases esp if the kill order is not outlined based on tanks skill and gear. Esp as when dpsing I have seen many tanks that produce near 0 agro on off targets making it quite possible to not only pull agro on non kill targets but likly prime example a spriest that produces agro on all targets thou mainly on kill target if tank dosent tab and watch his agro on all targets will likly pull unless you hard stop dps for most of the pull every pull which is a failure on the tanks side to hard focus one target to much in multi target fights.

Yes it does. Do you understand what “no” and “time” mean, or are you just being hyperbolic on purpose?

I’m going to question your understanding of the word “fact” here also.

Doesn’t have to argue what a good tank is.

Just tank, and enjoy the game. Why do you care so much about what others are doing?

I feel like we should run some instances together and riff off of each other…

No it takes no time.

As when fighting the old pack you mark them this is done with no time lost at all. Quite literally 0. Or as mentioned it is done while the casters mana up if you predict them needing to. Again resulting in no time lost as such it took no time.

My usage of in fact was completely correct.

Caring what others are doing is vary important as you need to interact with others this is a multiplayer game. As such communication is important and tanks keeping people on the same page for smooth pulls is vary important. As them not doing so wastes my time in groups and vary much relevent to me.

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This is cute! :heart:

Different playstyles I suppose. I’d love to run some instances together and trade tanking responsibility then discuss…

You need to use CC.

Old school tanking you had moon skull etc keybound and macros telling dps which thing meant what. If you’ve never done either thing you haven’t tanked long and probably didn’t start til after threat became a joke, in retail. Not a swipe at you. Tanking is a responsibility. You aren’t just there to hit things. That’s why historically no one has wanted to do it.


I mean, here’s a tanking guide I came up with, if that gives an indication:

making a tank guide during classic after the private server meta had long been established in no way means you tanked in vanilla or tbc.

LoL — what?

look at this vs your guide. you’ve heard of alakazam, right? :rofl:

LoL — no offense, but private server players are not worth anything, and are a disgrace to the WoW community.

Of course, if you have any reasonable statement against that, I’m all ears.

i’ve never and would never play on a private server. but that guide you made was not a vanilla-esque guide. it was private server type stuff. you can try to hand wave it away but there wasn’t anyone that i ever saw that had logs where people were 2h or fury tanking raid bosses in actual vanilla.

ok. I believe you.

I made it based on my first couple of weeks of tanking Classic (and having had years of experience playing WoW as a tank — never having played on private servers).

There was nothing in that guide about tanking raid bosses.

my game bff played a warrior tank in vanilla. when we played classic together before she rage quit, she tried to do exactly as she did then cuz… recreation right? but the meta was the abomination of private server nonsense with fury prot etc that didn’t exist. as fury in leather also didn’t exist. the reason people “knew” to do it was because of private server stuff. all the stuff we all knew from vanilla wasn’t relevant to most groups because people expected stuff from things neither of us had played. aka private server meta stuff. i only learned about it cuz so many people on the classic forums are private server players.

her guild was about halfway through naxx in vanilla but got hard stuck and couldn’t finish. she wasn’t god tier, but not trash.

regardless, your guide with all the other stuff about marking and cc shows that you were trolling that belf. which is odd. cuz why would you post to help in 2019 but then call people bad for expecting things you yourself put in a guide years ago?

I mean… if what he is saying is actually true, not burst healing the tank means the tank is dead. The problem if your tank is being hit down to near death instantly isn’t the burst healing that stops the death.


If you’re getting hit for 3k/hit and are tanking more than 2 mobs, well… it’s not a tanking or healing problem, imo.

but I guess it doesn’t matter, since I don’t have this problem personally…

Prehealing causes no aggro, only heals that recover health cause threat. healers MUST be on point to have heals lined up, especially in situations where heavy damage is coming. the issue is too many heroic targets hitting the tank, low tank mitigation ( ate a crit not enough defense? ) not enough tank health, inadequate CC. any of those could account for the situation hes describing. Priest at least can preshield to mitigate situations where you KNOW hes going to be hit hard quickly.

A crit heal wont cause more threat then a normal heal assuming the normal heal would top them off, over healing causes zero threat. starting with smaller heals rather then a big gigantic bomb might be a better option to smooth out the heal aggro a little bit, less mana efficient but if it works it works. The biggest thing I see is simply bad tank mitigation. a crit in a heroic is just unreasonable. The tanks job is half gearing before the instance even starts, gear not good, expect trouble.

^This right here.

If the Tank is getting so trucked that you can only keep them up spamming max Rank heal bombs then the pulls need to be adjusted.