Mana sucks

Perhaps the next tier of the “Arcane Recovery” scrolls will include % mana recovery, and drop more frequently!

getting everything right away and just zooooooooming is why retail is to tryhard and unfun. The downtime you hate so much or the friction in other areas of the classic game ARE PART OF THE REASON THE GAME IS SO GREAT!

if everything is easy then your accomplishments within the game are indeed worthless

if they die too fast then who cares :expressionless: unless this is all about muh DPS meters. that’s what this is all about, isn’t it

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this is classic, buddy. if you want design from early 2000s thrown out, you know where to go :expressionless:

This is also the most hilarious comment from the classic cultists given they want every group to be homogenized with a warrior tank and priest healer. Healing classes in vanilla all cast boring generic healing spells for the most part. Many specs had no identity or barely functioned at all.

Classes became more distinct and had more identity post vanilla. Classes have a far more unique identity and playstyle in Dragonflight than they do in vanilla WoW.

SoD already shook up that boring generic vanilla design and on the actual topic of the thread, it also shook up the awful vanilla recovery time for some classes but not others. Improving mana for other classes is a no-brainer via runes or other changes given they’ve already done it for some specs.

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This is SoD. A lot of the things I’m asking for were largely fixed in TBC, a far cry from retail wow.

It isn’t about dps meters, it’s about feeling like I’m contributing to the team. It’s about wanting to use my best abilities without having a lot of down time. Playing a non-warlock caster feels like a you’re holding the team back, not pulling your weight.

In reality my guild members don’t care. they know that mana is a thing and melee/physical clears the trash fast enough. But from a personal experience, it feels really bad and it’s not fun.

Weave wand attacks noob.

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So doing level 15 dps is the answer to mana issues. Again, casters feel like a detriment to the raid, not contributing. This isn’t about topping the meters, it’s about how it feels to play. No one else has to hold back in the raid.

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It don’t seem that way to me man, I play caster, and typically top the meters, pass out summons, give souls stones etc. everyone else seems far less valuable to me. Then add AOE.

Warlock is the best caster currently and doesn’t have the downtime issues that the other casters have with lifetap. Also, your personal experience doesn’t matter. It’s about the collective average performance with warcraft logs having the best, if not perfect, data.

You being the best means your rogues, hunters and warriors have less gear or don’t play as well as you or combination of both.

If you lifetap at oom, you have massive down time, and healers hate you, you weave it. You have 2 abilities that get you back to full mana as mage. Wanna know why I’m topping meters? Because I stack tons of spell power, not mana.

I agree to an extent. We simply need better water. Our water was not designed for this much Mana. Just increase the water we make. Give us a Dire Maul Esque water quest every phase so our water matches the mana. Problem Solved. Don’t need an evo buff.

You’re talking about boss fights. I’m talking about the entire raid. Warlocks are in a better spot to restore resources because they can tap while moving to the next pack. Also, healing warlocks lifetapping is a non-issue for healers, especially in SOD.

Also, evo is an 8 minute CD. You have to use it for the last boss. It’s unusable simply for clearing trash. Could use it once early on at my guild’s speed, but again it’s basically 1 or 2 time use throughout the raid.

Welcome to Classic Mage. People have been playing Classic mage for years, and raided just fine on the class. Perhaps you need to hone your skills.

This is so non-sensical. This isn’t classic, it’s SOD. Priests have PoM and penance now. That’s astronomically better tools than classic.

A bunch of stuff can change, but if people want better mana recovery out of combat, people are like “No, we can’t change that! It’s classic.”


Don’t forget that you can use walking water to decrease your downtime.

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and thats why mage water is % based instead of fixed like before

Walking water?

People call it different things, drink walking, chugging, etc, here’s a video on it just find the 2 second tick/chugging timestamp

Other versions of wow has drinking replenish mana every millisecond, so you need to remain seated. In Classic, mana regens every 2 seconds. If you have an addon or weakaura to track this timer, you can run and stop moving for a split second to drink right before the mana regen tick occurs to gain that full mana tick. Useful for pvp and speed running pve content, etc. Spends a lot of drinks though because you need to use 1 drink per tick of mana regen.