Mana enchant causing Resto druid to drop from 273k mana to 50k in pvp combat

After testing i’ve noticed my rdruid will randomly drop to 50k mana in pvp combat or beginning of duels… notice its happening when i have the Temporal spell thread on my leggings for prim stat + % mana.

Happened a few weeks back when I was in elwynn dueling, and i think the cause was the old chest enchant that gave prim stat + 6% Mana…
Not sure if other healers are affected or if its just resto druid ?


Same here, Resto druid with reserve of int enchant on chest dropping from 257k mana to 50k during pvp but also when i move from 1 area to another in dragonflight zones.


Hopefully blizz fixes this… its super irritating being oom entering combat zones, getting touched in warmode and not being able to heal lol.

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I’m having the exact same issue - my full mana bar is instantly depleted every time I enter world PvP. I’m also on a Resto Druid.


Any word on this getting fixed yet? Kind of a HUGE bug imo…been dealing with it for over a week and this is the only indication that anyone other than me was even experiencing it…I suppose the simple answer would be to switch the leg enchant but idk…

Are other classes not dealing with this?

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This is still an ongoing issue as of 12/13/2022 with my resto druid. Removing my enchanted gear or using different gear doesn’t help. I still drop to 20% mana when entering PvP combat.

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I’m having the same issue in world pvp on my resto druid. Also using the 4% mana leg enchant.

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Having the same issue and it didn’t happen until I turned WarMode on.

Has been happening constantly to me. Every time I enter combat with a player my mana just completely empties. I’ll even shadowmeld to drop combat, drink to full, and reengage and my mana goes to 0.

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yeah idk why or how blizz hasn’t fixed this yet? I have to take off my leg/chest enchant just so I don’t get owned by ooming doing daily tasks

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Still having this issue. Glad to hear im not alone. Blizzard, any fixes incoming??

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Same here :frowning:

Same issue sometimes even when i move i lose all my mana/ playing druid

I have this same issue on my resto druid and it makes WPVP nearly unplayable.
I shouldn’t have to pop innervate and a mana potion the second I engage someone.
I’m surprised that this has been an ongoing issue for such a long time. :frowning_face:

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Crazy, 4 weeks, soon to be probably 5 or 6 before we ever see a fix that makes WPvP completely unplayable. Not sure what an alternate is? I guess have a 2nd set of gear with no enchants, lol.

Yea what I did for now is stopped using the enchants that give you an increase to mana.
Unfortunate since those are the ideal ones for my setup.
Oh well int and stam until they sort it out I guess…

I am also having this issue where , ANY time i enter OR exit an LFG dungeon or PVP combat my mana goes from full to ~50k . any idea on a timeframe for this fix? i was hoping today’s maintenance would fix it …

knowing blizzard… next xpac

All this! World pvp is impossible with mana just depleting in seconds. Also when zoning in a dungeon or a random bg that is in progress, mana is almost gone every time I just get in. Needs fixed immediately. Is it only Rdruids this is happening on? Trying to heal groups is impossible as I have to drink every few casts only to be oom immediately. Huge problem

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I have opened up four discussion threads up here on this. It has been happening since the pre-expansion patch at the end of October. Coming up on eleven weeks and the issue is being ignored. It is mind boggling that they are letting this issue persist but are hot fixing a bunch of de minimis crap like dps tweaks.

I get into a wpvp group in a FFA zone, and right away we all die because the healer instantly loses all of his mana.

How has this not been fixed in coming up on eleven weeks?