Mana enchant causing Resto druid to drop from 273k mana to 50k in pvp combat

C’mon, Blizzard, fix this. Wtf

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This is happening still. Very annoying.

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Dragonflight version 10.0.2 is coming and they did nothing to solve this bug. =\

I tried to store the enchanted chest in the bank and equipped a different one, but I still bugged. Do you guys know how to get rid of it? Or the bug is caused because of the enchant from the legs?

All enchants that have mana % will do it, swap them all out. Chest + Legs.

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No fix even in 10.0.5?

prob not, blizzard doesn’t pay attention or care to fix anything, they can’t even get the game working for 95% of the mac users.

For those of you who didn’t read the patch notes, THIS is what they decided to concentrate their fix efforts on…“fixed an issue that prevented the lightening visual effect from appearing on some mythic class sets”.

Much more important than a broken game. Way to prioritize.

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lol, thought I was going crazy, super annoying – mana drops to 50k once entering combat in world pvp or even duels (this is on my holy pally). Really frustrating…

Poking around a bit, only seems to happen when I have my chest piece with Enchant: Reserve of Intellect.

If I remove my chest item then attack, it’s not a problem.

For reference, this is what it looks like with the chest piece on:

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try it with the spell thread legging enchant, happens even without reserve of int also, also i noticed in prepatch the old chest enchant was doing the same thing too. wish blizzz would address this… super tilting. All the mana % enchants cause this from what I’ve tested.

Was just gonna say this has been happening since prepatch lol, bug so old it’s got a 401k

401k? unsure.

I guess that we can only really bump this thread on a regular basis to draw attention in the sea of bugs.

One day… this’ll be fixed… =(

Same issue, tried removing enchantments and still seems to be happening, driving me crazy! >.<

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(lvl 70 Resto druid, war mode on)

Do you think if we just keep this post going every day they will fix it?

Who knows man. It’s driving me crazy but it’s like one of the best enchants to use ;_;

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