Man, sounds like Alliance is losing the war on every server

Like @Teabeezy, on Netherwind :facepunch:t2:

Good no one cares tourist.

Oceanic horde has pretty much quit wm in bfa. I tend to shard in on NA servers to do wpvp on this toon.
Its just a numbers game when it comes to wpvp in classic and in bfa. U ideally would like having both factions reasonably similar but thats a pipe dream in my xp. Even in instanced pvp where blizzard forms premades u can get 1 sided battles real quick. To hope that wpvp wuld be any better is not realistic. Its a fundamental misunderstanding of how thr game mechanics work out and have worked out for the last 15 years on pvp servers and wpvp.

Alliance lost at the character creation screen, dude.

Who is gonna pick those berks when you could be a Tauren, Orc, Troll or Undead?

I want to say just about every ally player doesn’t know how to play. And I base this on absolutely nothing.

Why not go to heart seeker, or a balanced server, or horde? Why even choose a pvp server in the first place?

Im just quitting. Tired of getting camped at every flight path.


So, you’re asking for infinite battleground queues?

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Why would you want this? Will make our battleground queues even longer when they come out.

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And you don’t know how to play the real world game of having a life. :slight_smile:

Oh I do and it’s a great life haha.

That’s because you are a fool.

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Yep its exactly the same way on retail. A certain type of player (pve’ers) are drawn to alliance and thus just lose on every pvp server and cascade into smaller and smaller numbers of people who “wish blizzard would fix it” lol. There is no fixing it. Bad pvpers like alliance. It’s just how it is. It’s been this way literally for the lifespan of WoW.

The. They spam on the forums about their probs.

Actually, the historical data shows that save for Arathi Basin where horde had a very slight edge, alliance wins the majority of battleground matchups.

random bgs mean absolutely nothing lol. 3 good players with engineering can take out a 10 man of bads in under 5 seconds which is why all these people think they’re outnumbered 20 to 1 on servers where its 60-40 at worst. People on Faerlina are crying like alliance is outnumbered when they literally have the majority by a few percentage points. They’re just overwhelmed with bads that panic in any pvp situation. Blizzard can’t do anything about that. It’s the same thing on retail. Alliance have cried about warmode for the entirety of BFA when they just sit in cities with it off instead of fighting back.

Reread your own post a couple of times, consider the circumstances of battlegrounds (even number matchups), and tell me if you think the conclusion you have reached makes any logical sense.


->alliance are poor pvpers

-> you use a slight advantage in random bgs to try to prove pvp superiority

-> its irrelevant because the highest ranked players arent even doing bgs and never have… lol you think snuts, venruki, ziqo, etc are in bgs? No, they’re 3k ranked arena players farming people that don’t even have engineering.

Yea except the ones they aren’t. It’s a lot harsher on the PVP servers for sure, but Horde isn’t as dominant as people might think.

What advantages are those, exactly? WSG is an even number matchup.

Please remember to show your work when explaining how you arrived at this conclusion.

Oh… are you new to vanilla? Hint: once bgs were released, premades were the way to attain rank.