Man, Revendreth is just *Chef's Kiss*

I mostly like they made everyone nosferatu instead of going with the handsome vampire most media do nowadays.

The zones is pretty much classic Castlevania with Gargolys characters added in the mix, the plot is basically Alucard vs his dad Dracula but the execution was done really good.

My major dislike are some cameos in there from certain characters but overall I agree the zone and characters(The prince, Theothar and General Draven) are very charismatic characters


the only thing i really dislike is z’rali. i’m kind of not into the punishment of every soul but whatever. nothing in warcraft is ever 100% in my favor anymore.

It’ll probably get a lot better when you can fly.

To be fair its easier on Priest because thanks to Levitate gravity is more of a suggestion than a law. But even with my DK it’s not too bad but I do happen to have a guild tab filled with gliders. So I just sorta Arkham City around the place on her.

Only Venthyr can actually invite Kevin to a party.

If you’re a Maladraxxi, he wears a party hat for nothing.


I think almost everything is perfect about Revendreth: the story, the themes, the characters. But the art? Compared to the beauty and modern look of Bastion or Ardenweald, Revendreth looks very plain and monochromatic—especially from flight paths. In flight while going around the northern districts, it all looks very cata-era in terms of textures and design. I don’t know, a lot of it seems… low-poly? Not many colors, not many different textures, it’s just kind of artistically lazy, even if I like the theme they were going for.

Flying is going to take away all the magic that the power / mirrors provide imo. i’m gonna hate flying so much.

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The cutscenes and cinematics are, like… 1 minute apiece, man. It takes hours to level. Why deprive yourself of context on your first playthrough? I get skipping it after you’ve already seen it, but you’re not gunning for World First so why bother?

BfA traumatized him so he’s ignoring shadowlands story as much as possible


tbh I don’t blame him.

Totally agree. I didn’t think I was going to like the zone at all but I’m loving every bit of it (except the Ember Court. Total waste of time.)

I was shocked how much I enjoyed Revendreth tbh. Same goes for Maldraxxus.

welp guess i gotta abandon covenant.

Not a velvet man? Haha

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Same. I expected both of them to be :poop:

Absolutely not, bahaha.

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Hahaha, well guess you’re not a DK of class then. But who am I to talk? I joined the covenant where the ground looks like skin with big ole stalks of hair growing out of it.

Such a good set.

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I wish they’d release a second version of it with the magic turned off on all of the pieces, so you could mix and match.

It was crazy! The other two zones are beautiful, but the Vamps and Undead are far more brimming with personality than I thought. So there is so much ridiculousness in both zones!