Man’ari Eredar Customization for Draenei

It would be nice / cool if Draenei got a quest that unlocked the customization for them the same way the Lordaeron quest unlocked undead elf skin tones.

** adding this because I hadn’t thought of that issue before **



Dreanei should be embracing their future, not their past.

The eradar had made their decision to turn into demons, they need to live with that and not be apart of the dreanei culture.


And then what? They can only be warlocks?

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It makes zero sense for this to be a customization.

Red-skinned eredar should be an allied race.

Well no they all weren’t warlocks. I remember a red eredar in the Rogue classhall quest.


The same way the dark ranger skin tones can only be hunters? Oh wait.

Though it may be a nice way to introduce warlock as a class for them I agree.


Thank you for the first answer. Another one, are the manari even friendly to be an allied race?


No. They should be their own Allied Race. There’s just too many differences between Draenei and Man’ari.


That just doesn’t seem to be Blizzards vibe since wildhammer options, non void options on VEs, Dark Ranger options.

If they’re opening all or most classes up to all races I would hope they did so w some story & for Draenei in the case of warlock there would be the story.


Any race can be written as friendly. I mean, we got allied Mogu in BFA.


That’s a good point.

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Not really. They pretty much hate everyone. But! I could see a path for them joining one of the factions:

In this cinematic for 7.2, you kind of get the feeling that KJ was showing a twinge of regret and frustration with Sargeras. Maybe other man’ari feel the same way, especially after all that happened in Legion?


The problem is the Draenei starting area is timelocked to TBC. There were no man’ari on the ship when it crashed.

They would need a new starter zone.


The start zones no longer matter. Timeline wise we all start in exiles reach now, if you choose the old start zones that’s your player agency and choice but just like NE players using undead options on NEs in the old start zone pre BFA you suspend that disbelief.

It is what it is, but that’s the vibe blizzard is going with.

And if they do unlock warlock (one of the easier classes to unlock compared to Druids or paladins) for Draenei I would hope it came w cool story for them not just random w no story.


Wow, that’s interesting angle to introduce an allied race. To me that would probably make the space goats more fleshed out race with motives, goals, and aspirations instead of the boring “naaru vult” mambo jumbo we have now.

Thank you for that.


You do make a point. It’s pretty freaking dumb for the Alliance to have Dark Ranger customization so it’s whatever I guess.


Thinking of this, they could become a horde race since they have many similarities with BE’s/Orcs if they went on a journey to rid themselves of fel curruption and redeem themselves. But I doubt any prideful manari would do this, since a demon first instinct is to dominate/rule over demon kind and destroy everything (fel is chaos after all)


I could wrap my head around them joining either since all their leaders are dead and some might feel scammed.

Velen was a leader of their people but on the other hand, the Horde has more races that would be more understanding of their fel use and have a shared experience of being mislead by Sargeras.


I disagree. At the end of the Argus raid you’re told that the main reason many are in the Burning Legion is that they didn’t think that Sargeras could be defeated. Now that he’s out of the picture this could easily be written as an excuse for why a small branch breaks off and comes to Azeroth to seek shelter.

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Huh it actually looks like you agree.

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Your not the only one confused by his post.