you gonna be on classic? my BT is DanniNicole#11371 btw
Hi, Chicken!
This is Ilyandish/Antiphonal/Kathnala. I was in KoB briefly and then with Red Phoenix with Wizard Bob, Palamar, Jaz, and crew. Would be great to reconnect.
I raided with lots of Oceanics. We might know some folks in common.
I remember you! Great to see you still gaming!
He was in fact a guy, from what im told. Anywho:
Was in…god it was a long time ago…elunes elite, awakened empire, sparklebunnies of doom, all sorts of madness really
Kalduck here I ran alot with you guys from the old days joined Mankrik and pagle servers both east coast normal have a few old friends coming as well
Hey, this is Bobbi/moonchild/Bee
Nxt and I will both be on joined Mankrik and pagle servers
Nxt and Bobee
For all Eagles Pride and Blades of Rage players from Malygos. Mankirk and Pagle seem like the only east coast servers we have that are normal realms. Several of us have created 1 toon on both servers and are hoping we can get many of you that raided with us to form an Old guild of Old friends. Nothing is set in stone but we hope this post finds many of you who are coming back to create new memories. If you know anyone from the old days or new friends, all are welcome… KalDuck
I have also made a toon on Herod (pvp alliance) with Nila
Lucitity, Human Priest, was in Eagles Pride, among other places.
Will be playing on Pagle with the same name/class.
Hey mate I think I was in this guild - chaps night elf hunter-
Oh the good old days
Hefenwhy/Rudger here, I remember you guys! I was GM of Eternal Nights! Recently seen Adrispere on retail. What a trip. I remember Triel’s warrior but cant remember if you tanked for us or not. Theceasar, you ran a lot with us if I remember right.
Hey there everyone! I was Ellyger a gnome mage back then, in vanilla was in Eagle’s Pride/Hands of Fate/Forgotten Fury/XXplicit and knew some people in arcanum. Didn’t go full force until Furore in TBC.
Any Furore people here that want to link up in classic?
Used to play as Mazter (Rogue) or Pen (Priest) in Elunes Elite and Lurkers, most people knew my dad as well Magix (Warlock)/Drexler (Paladin).
Planning on playing some classic. My BT is Wintergreen#11785.
No mention of Enemy Down? The disrespect!
Zixi / Cheezits here. EP / Eminence.
I’ll be back and looking forward to seeing old friends.
I am convincing Eldorado, Nisaera, and Price to come with me.
I currently have reserved toons on Faerlina alliance.
Huzzah! Hello from Fade! Perhaps I’ll see you around Classic. I’ve been slowly trying to talk S into coming back, as well.
- Rallycast gnome mage
Rally-something - ShinSenGumi
- I saw Kirara posting above, and looking for the peeps we ran around with Twinflame, Blairen, Kithlas, Izlude, Nemaria… we all met up in BC beta during the honor contest… but this is close.
Our guild was Nocturnal Fury (I think it had another name at some point??)… but I was Meadowlarkk, nelf druid. Our GM was Falconis, he was a cop IRL. And he was awesome. We had some great times before some the guild crashed and burned when Falc left and someone else took over.
And there was Argin? You there, Argin?