holy hell Starswrath lol. That woman was a trip.
Anotherpally, human prot paladin, The Shin Kickers
I only played alliance a little pre-TBC, but wondering if anyone from the Shin Kickers is coming back for classic? I saw the guild still exists in-BFA but almost nobody had been on in 7-8+ years.
No idea if I’m spelling these right anymore after so long, but looking for…
Grstaka/Vonculas, Cialei, Cro, Shimmyshake, Tsuki, anyone else?
I think i remember you Anotherpally!!! I was lorck the hunter.
Hi Bast from Cheeseball
Leilia - NE hunter
Tinelly - Gnome fire mage
Guild - Hobo Liberation Front
Treabee - Human Warrior
Callya - Human Rogue
Guild - Underground Kingdom
I’ll be playing classic.
Hi Cheese! I miss you haha!
Hey there! So many familiar names. Bhonae was one of the hunters that taught me
Aerdrie / Eilistraee / Kriss. Eili is now Draenei but I’m back on Maly. Not sure if I’ll be in Classic, but I’ve been thinking about everyone in FF. Still keep track of Messenger, but have lost touch with Monger
Aerdrie - Nelf Druid
Eilistraee - nelf Hunter
Kriss - Human lock
Playing retail again, not sure if I’ll jump back into classic or not. Been wondering what some of the folks I leveled with are up to. Tissal - Nelf Priest, Avatas, Nelf Hunter, Ithan - Human lock, Batou - Human Pally? We All started in Defenders of the Night, Batou went to Eminence and I did shortly after. Then I was in Forgotten Fury, and a few of us split off into ShortBus / Band of Gypsies in BC
Back on Maly now in Dev Nul with Jojomcblow, and if anyone is hunting Therin (human warrior) I can pester him for you
I remember Jojo! It’s been a long time!
Hey, I was in the shin kickers for most of my pre-tbc and tbc days
I played a druid named Didoe
I was in two guilds i can remember
The Shin Kickers and Ironhorse
just looking for people
We wasn’t even sure it was a woman tbh lol.
Hi Chicken
This is Leilia NE hunter. I used to hang with Empath/Despair, Griznatch, Serendipity and Ninjamonkey. I play on Sentinels now. When most everyone left I moved to play with some RL friends. Leilia was my main but now it’s Tinelly. I remember you being in HLF. I have lost contact with all of the guild as most of them quit.
KALLEL!!! Omg… Lightweaver… it was one of the Australian kids back then!
JoeHammer- Human Warrior - Protection
Firejoe - Human Mage - Fire
-The Coven- 1st Raiding guild
-The Tanks-, -Soulbound- alt raids with friends
-Dilution- 2nd Raiding guild
Hope everyone is doing well old friends. I will be playing Classic, I am not sure which server yet.
Played first with Boondock Saints then raided with Coven.
NE Rogue Knuggyone and Dwarf Priest Hightower
Xuvia Human Priest - Heals
Firimar Human Paladin - Protection
Transferred late in original but made alot of friends in BC. Hoping to maybe find some of them I was in a small guild called Liquid Frostbite. Mostly looking for anyone with a good memory from those days as I can’t recall anyone’s names.
And if anyone remembers him…
Warnog - Human Warrior
was my uncle, he was a giant troll
I was Horde and on the receiving end of her premade WSG groups and there’s nothing more terrifying than a full GM geared warrior with the Untamed Blade running at you and 2 shotting you. Kind of how ya’ll felt with Ugg.
DUDE! which server? I was in Bonsai after KoB folded