Playing now on Faerlina after the sulfuras merge. In guild Grey Nights…folk back in the day may recognize some of the toon names I used on Malygos
Playing now on Faerlina after the sulfuras merge. In guild Grey Nights…folk back in the day may recognize some of the toon names I used on Malygos
elunes elite hype
eyyy EE again
oh wow! whatsup yunika!
EDIT: Haley/Bobrah, Spriest/ MS War
Nightlynx, night elf druid, cannot remember what guilds I was in.
Currently playing wow classic as horde on westfall, orc shaman named Malek.
Omfg I remember perber! Always screwing ah prices!
Looking through the posts here I did recognize some guild names, I think I may have been in some of them at varying points.