Malygos Alliance Reconnections

Hi Cloud! How are you?

Awesome, your name seems very familiar!

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Hey Ellyger, this is Adorimlys (NE Rogue) / Steelskull (Dorf Warrior). Very much remember your mage. Run into anyone else from Eagle’s Pride / HoF?

hey everyone guess I’m pretty late to this party I just stumbled upon this had no idea it existed. I used to play a human warlock named lazysicotic I can’t remember the guild name but if anyone that remembers me sees this let me know I have a night elf priest on windseeker named aurassa

Do you remember a kid in the guild at all?

I think this was the guild I was in when I was a youngin and everyone was basically my wow mom and dad.

Was a human warrior the GM?

Wish I could remember names.

So many names I remember from Malygos back in vanilla. Gambito (Gnome Warlock), Starswrath(NE Warrior), Shadx (Human Warlock) – What a nostalgia trip!


Roody- 60 night elf rogue guild: ice fury
Pessterr (brothers toon) - 60 dwarf warrior
Gremell- 60 gnome mage

Also my brother had a blood elf priest named bullint in bc.

I still play with trendrage/millronden (hunter/druid) and arthist (human pally)

Supersquid i member that name!

blackbatswahine and anchientrose, were my first toon names , found a few old mates in classic still playing now but more retail cause its newer :smiley: blackbats was only toon i ever had that did not have rose in name in some way it is now deleted :stuck_out_tongue:

What are the chances anyone still sees this?..
So Cleave here… Cleaventari, was a tank spec warrior from 15 plus years ago.
I saw a couple names I recognized in the replies so MAYBE some body will see this.
Played in a few guilds when I started, levelled most with Cosmokramer (warlock) and ended up in Fortis I think was the last guild we played in. Some other fun players I remember : Tancred, Raynekillock, Lorelli, Ryval, hmmm our last raid leader began with a G and was a real ball buster. I am playing again on classic… Horde side, figured it was fitting to restart Cleave as a back from the dead warrior (on Sulfuras). Hope you folk are all still having fun.

Graegos! Auramoon (resto druid here!) It’s been too long

Auramoon, NE Druid

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…Satori <3

Hey Sej, Larimus here. Original GM of Fortis. how have you been? been playing wow this whole time? Been away since 2007 but came back in the last 6 months

Hey Dayper! Larimus here. You and Daypea still play? I’m currently enjoying a Season of mastery classic server rush on Shadowstrike. Haven’t played much since 2007 so enjoying the nostalgia and the energy of a new server.

Ohhh Shadowmuffin yeah! I remember you! Long time man

Hey! It’s Maranwe


Wow so many memories. This is Barreneyne human mage, I was in arcanum and Eminence back in the day. Me and Zeppelin ran BG teams together, and we went into TBC and Wrath and ran gladiator teams together. My alt was Bigbolou NE Warrior

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Played a human warrior named Alliandren if anyone remembers me from back in the day shoot me an add.


Wow! This was an awesome trip down memory lane. So many names I recognize from when I was a kid.

Kankuro - Gnome Warlock from Eagles Pride

Several years late on this post but was fun to see so many old faces around!

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