Malorne Horde Reconnections

See you guys there!:ok_hand:

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Yo FFG here AKA fastfoodguy the noob hunter. will be playing classic prolly wherever Tyro is rolling.

was in Joker’s Wild, Reverence, Hostile.
Fever in Cata.

Where is Nehalem, i need him to loan me some gold.

Played a fire mage (Jezul) and feral druid (Proudhorn) on Malorne since vanilla. I remember the end of Tempest and joined up with HoZ shortly thereafter. Still kicking around Malorne.

Will be playing same character names on Herod.

I mostly played Alliance on Malorne. Had a Human Rogue named Luanne. But I had a Blood Elf Pally in TBC and played with BAMF.

I came here to see if a Rogue named Cove was back around. he was in Hostile. I used to chill with him in BRM to pick on people coming into the raid… nobody loved world PVP like Cove. His Ironforge torments still get talked about in certain circles!

Balla use to be my 2v2 partner in BC! Ask him if he remembers Harrisowns

I"ll be playing with Rhaab.


I remember all of them guys. Mirm was the mana battery, Hyenya was great in hyjal. I remember Danoth and catnips. You guys still playing? I am raid leading a guild on Zuljin. glad to hear from you


Killo- Mage
Zadoroth?-Druid (I remember this guy getting tons of gear by default all the time as the only druid)

We grew/fell apart/restarted at the start of BC
I think some of you went alliance on other servers

Just wanted to know how you guys are and perhaps reminisce a bit

I still remember how we killed Ragnaros, Hakkar, some of Aq20 and got up to Nefarion. I was but young teen this was my first mmo and it was a memorable thing.

Not expecting much, just Hi at least

Not in guild, but I remember person named
I grouped with them a few times

Damn I still remember some of these guild names being mentioned

Anyways I don’t really think I could get into any serious raiding )due to time constraints and being not in a hurry to level up characters over again in the old system without dualspec) and will mostly level up some characters to see content that has been otherwise removed (all old quests(due to cataclysm)) Sunken temple,Scarlet monstary, Scholomance, Zulgurub and others.

Been in forever horde since BC otherwise
met some people, lost some people, still a few of the same people since then otherwise, were more of just a small chat room with guild perks/bank at this point. The induction of LFR and other things killed the need or much of use of guilds in the following expacs.

Windfuryz here, I was an orc resto shaman in a guild that pushed twin emps.

I remember you! I was Denna - troll mage transfer from alliance.

I am playing classic. Hyenya will be coming back phase 3 for pvp if I am still playing. Otherwise they are not playing anymore. If they bring back TBC we will most likely.

Hey Ty, Grimin here. Hope you’re doin well dude :slight_smile: If I remember right you wound up getting dark edge of insanity, so no worries about the HWL lol

Tyro it’s Roac, Druid from Hostile, we pvp’d a bunch with Woode etc.
What server are you on?

Also is Balla playing with you? Tell him I say hi!

I was in fever too this is chumm-warrior that was a pally in tbc-orihime.

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Let’s see…

I was a druid called Ummdotname… I was in the guild “Ummdots Happy Fun Guild” among others. I think i was in Fever once upon a time. I was awful.

Anyway, that’s my stroy. I’m not a hardcore WoWer really anymore, just hinda hop on and PvP once in a while.

I remember lots of people, some of which have posted already!

Zharshoul I remember you!

I was in Recklessness. UD priest Alivicaley.

Is there UD warrior Exist on here?

I forgot i had a name change when i went to malorne from ner’zhul to slipnslide

Wat up Key! I was from Remorseless. Hataka, shaman

Holy crap there’s a lot of names to remember here. Original cast from Malorne from Ner’zhul - Angie Horde Druid. DPP, Hostile (then poof), Imp…memory’s a bit hazy. Twin Emps -> AC40, that sort of thing. Battle Tag is Thaler#1718.