Malorne Horde Reconnections

“Unearthing”, Undead Shadow Priest - played with House of Zug < HoZ > circa BC raiding; leaders: Curate, Azumheals, etc.

Antenora - Enhancement Shaman. Played with various people over the course of Vanilla/BC. Looking to reconnect with anyone in the vanilla era!

Was a feral druid named Brannflakes back in TBC.

Looking for anyone from the Restless Raiders guild, if anyone is still around.

Anyone still around from Darrowmere? Smiles for Miles or Saga Begins? I mained on Nariaela belf female hunter

Mainly playing FFXIV but some of the guys from Uncensored are going to be playing Classic. Whitemane Server I think.

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I played with you in Reverence in Wrath. Paladin Tank same name as this toon.

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Yes, I recognise that name! We have a site where some of us are reconnecting for classic if you’re interested: tribesofreverence.shivtr

Hey all. I see some familiar faces. A bulk of ex-fever folks will be rolling Herod (PVP) US-East for vanilla.

Not sure how i’ll active i’ll be the first few weeks. Starting a new job! Bad timing!

sUP Shikaka. also planning on Herod

Hey, I played a lock on here named Teho.

Was part of the guilds Reverence and Hostile.

Currently planning to play on Grob as Alliance with my current guild mates but looking for a horde alternative with some old friends.

Sounds like Nehalem xD I would love to get in touch with Parm!

Sup Teho, add a dotcom to the link below to find us

Sup Rhob, I remember you!

I was in Tribes/Rev during mc/bwl, I played a hunter named Sinath.

I’m gonna be playing on Herod with Teho, I’ll be a warrior this time around.

Hey! Yeah, remember you also… drop by the guild site as well, a bunch of us reuniting.
tribesofreverence.shivtr. plus the dotcom of course

Do you have any chars on Malorne? Should be possible to do friend requests from here…

Thanks Rhob. Remembering a lot of names already just seeing this thread. Looking forward to seeing everone in game soon

Hey. I tanked for them on Spiritwing/OPwing. Still roommates with Catnips(resto druid), Mirmelie(shadow priest), Hyenya(prot pally) if you were wanting to talk to any of them. Danoth(enhance sham) lives not too far away. Cat still talks to Duck every so often. Rhaedgar#1313 is my tag if you want to message me to get in touch with them. I have Strad’s (hunter) and Ryan’s (priest) info as well. Last I heard Bitters and Alkaid and some others were playing on an RP realm but that was some years ago.

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Tyro - Orc Warrior was in Hostile. Only made it to Warlord in pvp missed High Warlord by a week before they changed the pvp ranking system.

Balla - Orc Rogue was also in Hostile says whats up to everyone on Malorne. I have him as a friend on Bnet.


I have Thala as a friend on Bnet.

Hey Tyro I remember you missing out on hwl. Whats up, glad to see you guys still around. Seems like we are playing horde on Herod tomorrow. Hoping for a good que.