Malific Rapture

Kalamazi doesn’t say “hate” I don’t think he has ever said hate, but he mentions several times he prefers the UA spender version Affliction had. at 1:40 he mentions “if you ask me personally I’d like to see a return to a UA based spender Affliction in 11.0”.

Though this topic has appeared multiple times on his stream and YouTube vids, but that’s one of his most recent videos but he does state it itself has its own problems but may be easier addressed. (Speaking about UA).

Personally I feel like even now he’s just come to accept it, doesn’t look like things are going to change to drastically for Affliction regardless of feedback.

But if you do watch his streams and videos it’s been spoken about several times.

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It was both a single and multi target tool.

You could apply all 5 UAs to one single target and melt them, or spread those UAs around to multiple targets. Then drain soul to specifically nuke the primary target.

It worked pretty well.


Its almost as if the spec was overpowered or something. People will play it if it does very good dps.

Affliction tuning this tier has been awful compared to both destro and demo. It desperately needs a single target buff and AoE is pretty unsalvageable as long as you have to drop 20% in ST to do it.

DP does like 50% or so direct damage with a dot component doing the other portion. MR damage is based on the amount of dots on the target. MR might as well be a dot with extra steps lol.

Shadow gets their AoE rotation going with a single gcd that mass applies their relevant dots while affliction has to VT, SR and Seed to get things rolling. Pretty massive problematic difference and it has nothing to do with what the current spender is.

If Affliction could mass apply their dots with something like SoC or VT the spec would be in an extremely good spot in AoE.

By recruiting another lock?

Spriests aren’t Aff locks. If you like the shadow playstyle play shadow.

I loved Nathria Aff. I’m not saying Aff can’t use some improvements but the biggest thing in the way is the people crying about the damage breakdown.

Not at all. I think when people make absurd claims they should be able to back them up.

So does the ignorance.

Minus the fact I actually never said that.

So you’re going from making a claim the majority hates MR and that streamers have said this to Kalamazi saying MR is an issue with no proof or context to trying to tell me I’m “salty” and “defensive” and now saying that I said “MR is well liked”.

Backtrack harder because you don’t have an argument and joined a conversation out of your knowledge.

Feel free to link your lock.

He’s a good lock and he’s entitled to his opinion.

The reason people want us to be a spender that I see is that they complain about bloat. However the UA playstyle requires stacking UA on every target on top of every other dot which doesn’t actually fix the problem. In fact it makes it worse.

One UA cast for one target or one MR cast for all dotted targets?

This doesn’t fix any actual issues. People just repeat it because UA is an actual dot which is their main reasoning for hating MR.

This is the main suggestion I have made to help affliction with aoe.

It worked horribly. It worked in Legion by virtue of being overtuned, and then Aff dropped hard in BfA, especially in M+.

Affliction damage breakdown is still a majority of dot damage though?

You know what spec isn’t mostly dot damage? Shadow Priest like that poster is comparing Affliction with.

Ok so there was multiple reasons that aff dropped in mythic plus in BFA compared to legion.
Loosing Reap souls and the artifact weapon bonuses was huge.

Soul Flame was removed so quick dying mobs were now an issue again
Wrath of consumption was removed so sustained dot damage was nerfed
Sow the seeds was changed from 2 additional targets to 1 additional target. (this was a huge part of aoe for aff in mythic plus in legion) -UA Stacking was mostly for priorty target/bosses or pulls with 2–3 targets max. anything else you agony and spam seed
Infernal/doomguard was replaced with darkglare aoe infernal on mythic plus is now single target. so more aoe nerfs.
Drain soul and shard sniping went from base line to a choice with deathbolt and with Darkglare and deathbolts senergy you were picking it.

You see where im going with this it wasnt just UA stacking that made it bad it was the removal of the things that made it good at AOE, and a focus on single target damage that blizzard built. Compounding issues AKA aff’s theme lol

Sounds like it was everything besides UA spender that was making the spec good.

I’m sure going back to UA spender will fix everything.


In SL people complained about MR not being a dot.

And it would also be complained about.

I just find it funny when they complain about bloat and then suggest UA spender which is even worse lol.

You could, but it didn’t give you more damage (outside of maybe a slight damage boost when you had UA to other spells if I’m forgetting that), the UA dot then did X damage, if you apply X 5 times to 1 target, or 1 time to 5 targets, it didn’t do MORE UA damage, which limited UA for council fights.

MR is (ironically given what has been said in this thread) the council fight alternative, in that it deals more damage the more targets there are.

I am noticing a trend (that I’m sure isn’t new, just seeing it really heavy now) that the most sure and demanding posters that spend all their time telling everyone how wrong they are are also really mid players who haven’t accomplished much to justify their stauch opinions.

It is quite amusing.

You’re hiding on an alt and showing very little understanding of affliction. You are just trying to save face after taking that massive L a few posts ago.

The big take away is none of those issues are fixed by malefic rapture either…

Malefic Rapture being based of stacking dots to increase its damage basically creates is own issues in 2/5 target pulls.
Like snozdotz likes to say aff needs a way to get all its dots out fast like SP with shadow crash an issue it creates by the nature of its design.

In single target rapture is far less of an issue while I personally prefer my damage break down to be in the dots I can understand they are mechanically the same. I just prefer the theme of the dots doing the damage vs the direct damage rapture.

A simple dot cap on rapture and an increase in baseline dot damage to match/get close to the loss from the cap would remove the need for a shadow crash talent on 2/5 target pulls by reducing the dots needed to do that same damage decreasing ramp time while also making the break down more dot focused for everyone else.

This would still allow them to tune Council vs single target damage as FM and rapture still exsist but its allot of work and its blizzard so yeah.

This would then make Aff super strong in council situations and would end up nerfing ST.

Which is why I always say the spender doesn’t matter and people really should worry about other things.

I like rapture. I won’t care if rapture is removed. I won’t care if rapture is altered so that dots get to be higher damage.

I just want the spec’s real issues to be addressed. I’m tired of seeing this feedback over something that doesn’t matter. It’s people in Legion wanting shadowbolt back all over again.

I agree that it would increase council fights for sure not sure if it would be super strong - but I mean look at aff right now on council of dreams. then look at SP and Boomkin

The difference between destro and aff is 10k on 95th% mythic.
It could use a council bump cause it shouldnt be that close considering its always been the council spec identity. “blizzards words”

Why would they end up nerfing single target?
Cause its the same amount of damage in single target regardless of if its in the dots or the rapture in the break down and plays mechanically the same. Also FM and rapture damage can still be tuned to even anything out.

What is its biggest issue in your eyes right now?

Council of dreams isn’t a true council fight. Council is more of a Destro fight

They would nerf ST because of council damage.

This is just a statment not an explanation for why.
Just cause they have to is that the reason? or you just telling the future and calling it?
or you secret work for blizz and are like saying what you and the team would do?

Volcross at 95% mythic has both shadow and balance over aff on pure single target
and on council they were 30-40k+ over AFF
they didnt do it to current other specs so why would the do it to aff?