Mal'Ganis Horde Reconnections

Barbados Undead Warlock
Gimmel Undead Rogue
Thalicos Undead Warrior

Deranged Gnome Squishers
Grinders Inc
Ashes of Entropy

Made it to Naxx first couple bosses and trash farming.
PvP Rank 10.

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Hi! I was Hi, in Goon Squad, then Hooligan Syndicate and eventually Elitist Jerks. I played from launch until BWL!


Stuffus - Orc Warrior
Pyledriver - Troll Mage
Guilds: Clan VXIX, Sliver, Grinders Inc, Party Time

Zoid, originally an Undead Priest
Founding member of Elitist Jerks


Name: Dolamite,
Race: Undead
Class: Priest
Guilds: Grogg Addicts, Shining Force, & Extreme.


Name: Parabol
Race: Troll
Class: Mage
Guilds: Grogg Addicts, Keen Formation, Extreme


I remember that! Pretty sure they broke up and that’s how the guild got disbanded.

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Name: Darkcnight/Darcknight
Race: Undead/Tauren
Class: Mage/Shaman
Guild: Grog Addicts

Currently hold GM on retail, I was in that guild back in Feb 2005 till I think late TBC when i left to server transfer. I am lookin to remake , gonna go rogue this time around…


Darexdevil, Tauren Warrior, Badanatomy

Rachel. Troll Warrior. Elitist Jerks.

Darkcnight, I remember you! IIRC you’re the one that invited me to the guild way back when - I was in a group with you running BRD doing MC attunement.

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Amyia, Troll Warrior. Dark Horde guild. Ended up moving to The Underbog when the transfer was offered and raided with TTC Legend


Hey Kajadin!!

Not sure if you remember me but I recognized your name right away! This is Mallacon! We raided together way back in the day!

I hope all has been well!

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Hey All!

I played on Mal’Ganis from the start! Going through I see names I remember.

I played Mallacon, a enhance/resto shaman and raided with clan VXIX, sword of storms and other guilds throughout that time!

Hunter - Thoriamuss
Warrior - Xorakk
Druid - Bogorga

Looking for Killajay
I really enjoyed my time on Mal’Ganis despite all the camping done by that annoying Alliance Mage…can’t remember his name but, I do miss the battles. I was a bottom dweller in Vanilla where I completed all the content as a pickup player but never made it into one of the higher end raiding guilds.

I remember several of the guilds listed in this chat along with a few of the names. I’m ready to get back into classic. Getting rid of the cross-server layering is a blessing. Finally I can block/avoid the trolls and build or be part of a community once again. I’m rolling on Thalanos - horde. Hope to cya there.

Hey it’s my clone!

Trisens, Undead Rogue
Shining Force


Yea I remember your rogue homie! Looking forward to the trip down memory lane in 13 days

Mokotu orc hunter.

Guilds: grinders inc, sliver, are what I remember.

Will be playing on Thalnos