jedco bb <3
Hey man, long time.
Corpsegore, former undead mage. For Great Justice, Apocalypse, Keen Formation, Giant Censored Robots. Where Lockdotz at?
There are plans to recreate Grog Addicts. Not sure what server yet. Join a character into the guild in retail to join the discussion.
Where is Clownboat?
Bludfang. Undead Warlock. Keen Formation predominantly, and later Iron Fist. Still playing on Mal’Ganis.
Camping menethil docks duh
Did you main tank for Nothing Personal by chance?
Spammoonfire, add Fartbox#11562 - you were in Mindgame for a bit too!
Relentz, Troll Shaman.
I raided with Keen Formation in TBC.
Are you referring to Antagonist? She was a Female Warrior for Nothing Personal for a long time, I’m pretty sure she was a Troll.
I was in Grog Addicts towards the end as well. Daedris, Undead rogue.
All I can remember from Grog Addicts was the shaman Baiano, our raid leader, Plasterboard the Aussie prot warrior, Mustangsally the troll female mage, and Teoyamqui, fellow Undead rogue.
Fun times!
Tauren Druid named Nianh
I was told leveling Resto was best - such a noob - so I followed guild mates around and healed them while questing. I wish I could remember the name of the first guild I was in. Everyone was so helpful!
Asustadizo? We called him Leroy and he quit playing when he went off to college.
The guild merged with Void at some point where I met Hyloth and am still IRL friends.
Enhance PvP-Raid, Resto PvP-Raid, Troll Shaman
Guilds: Ratchet Auxiliary Guard, Killtrocity, and finally Grog Addicts where I still am.
Shout out to Deadris, I remember you!
Tseng, Undead Mage (fire, always!). I was in Elitist Jerks and Aeternus. I stopped playing this character a little after BWL was released.
I’m still in touch with a few people from the old days and it would be cool to reconnect with more. Or if you just want to tell me I was a prick for camping you in Menethil Harbor.
Anyone that wants an invite to the Mal’ganis Discord server, feel free to message me at Chadius#3712 on Discord.
Killtrocity! My roommate and his GF ran that guild.
Yay Killtrocity here! My main is Neosporin the dr00d. I’m T2kizz#8599 on discord T2kizz#1737 bnet. Hope to talk to some of you all again!!
Shining Force, Keen Formation and other guilds as an Undead Mage, Chromatic and Resto Druid, Treeinocean. Definitely recognize some of these names bouncing around in Org. Good times!
Gigamit/Narkarox Bee a Honey, Keen Formation, Aftermath