Been a while since I heard that Guild name… Human warrior (Akroza I’m pretty sure) also of FQF reporting for MC booty
Also my brother, yes you were Akroza back then. Things are gonna get interesting.
I was Diviner in Totem Recall
Ignacio still around?
I haven’t heard some of those names in forever. Too funny.
Sneekd - PG
Rawrior - PG / Ascension / LoH.
I had two AQ40 Pugios because Vanilla Fury was dumb and it was beautiful.
Hey Aditu, this is Ironsword from loh. I just recently reconnected with Halcion on the vanilla mal’ganis discord. You should join. Message Chadius #3712 on discord to join.
Used to be in Myths Fury NE Hunter named Daris. Hmu
Xavyr, or Vynn from “Needs Food Badly” anyone else around?
I was in Myths Fury as well, Ne hunter named Daris. Used to play with joonas.
hey! I can’t find that discord name, try me at Toriad#4342. Reading this thread is bringing back a ton of memories
Try using Chadius3712
It should come up then
Good to see you, Skaarj!
Also I sent you a battletag friend request to help you
Human Paladin.
Looking towards Herod… unless something changes before launch.
Mercura – Human Warlock
My original guild is lost to memory, but for all intents & purposes, it’s Project Mayhem (yes still active…as active as it gets for Alliance side of Mal’Ganis!)
Among those long-inactive: Quickman (Guild Founder, 13 years); Twitchell (12 years); Cruelboy (11 years); Eeyee (11 years); Deltay (11 years); Najal (10 years); Sesirgnikeht (10 years)
As well as those at least a little more recent – Aiglos & Tamatha
And this post wouldn’t be complete without missing Prosyrpina most of all.
Setting up shop on Faerlina!
I remember Project Mayhem, and doing some joint raiding together in the early days.
Along with quite a few others on this forum.
You sir, are the inspiration behind Dazmar. /bow
Resto Druid - Trainer from FQF. Dope seeing some of you still around!
Started playing WoW ca. Feb 2005
Faction: Alliance
Character: Naisho
Race: Night Elf
Class: Hunter
Guild: Eternum
Prior to joining Eternum with GM Solarr and Fanius I used to run around in a guild named Blood… uhm… Blood Something. Blood Legion or Blood Knights or something like that. I really can’t remember what came after blood.
Edit: I went through some old screenshots I had. The first guild I joined was Blood Battalion. Some names I found: Mandrick, Mônonoké, and Gallorus.
Nice - Team C Off Tank and at times Main Tank when Maxx was off.
LOL yeah that sucked