Mal'Ganis Alliance Reconnections

Been a while since I heard that Guild name… Human warrior (Akroza I’m pretty sure) also of FQF reporting for MC booty

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Also my brother, yes you were Akroza back then. Things are gonna get interesting.

I was Diviner in Totem Recall

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Ignacio still around?

I haven’t heard some of those names in forever. Too funny.
Sneekd - PG
Rawrior - PG / Ascension / LoH.

I had two AQ40 Pugios because Vanilla Fury was dumb and it was beautiful.

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Hey Aditu, this is Ironsword from loh. I just recently reconnected with Halcion on the vanilla mal’ganis discord. You should join. Message Chadius #3712 on discord to join.

Used to be in Myths Fury NE Hunter named Daris. Hmu

Xavyr, or Vynn from “Needs Food Badly” anyone else around?

I was in Myths Fury as well, Ne hunter named Daris. Used to play with joonas.

hey! I can’t find that discord name, try me at Toriad#4342. Reading this thread is bringing back a ton of memories

Try using Chadius3712
It should come up then

Good to see you, Skaarj!

Also I sent you a battletag friend request to help you

Human Paladin.

Looking towards Herod… unless something changes before launch.


Mercura – Human Warlock

My original guild is lost to memory, but for all intents & purposes, it’s Project Mayhem (yes still active…as active as it gets for Alliance side of Mal’Ganis!)

Among those long-inactive: Quickman (Guild Founder, 13 years); Twitchell (12 years); Cruelboy (11 years); Eeyee (11 years); Deltay (11 years); Najal (10 years); Sesirgnikeht (10 years)

As well as those at least a little more recent – Aiglos & Tamatha

And this post wouldn’t be complete without missing Prosyrpina most of all.

Setting up shop on Faerlina!

I remember Project Mayhem, and doing some joint raiding together in the early days.

Along with quite a few others on this forum.


You sir, are the inspiration behind Dazmar. /bow

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Resto Druid - Trainer from FQF. Dope seeing some of you still around!

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Started playing WoW ca. Feb 2005

Faction: Alliance
Character: Naisho
Race: Night Elf
Class: Hunter
Guild: Eternum

Prior to joining Eternum with GM Solarr and Fanius I used to run around in a guild named Blood… uhm… Blood Something. Blood Legion or Blood Knights or something like that. I really can’t remember what came after blood.

Edit: I went through some old screenshots I had. The first guild I joined was Blood Battalion. Some names I found: Mandrick, Mônonoké, and Gallorus.

Nice - Team C Off Tank and at times Main Tank when Maxx was off. :slight_smile:

LOL yeah that sucked :slight_smile: