You sir, are the inspiration behind Dazmar. /bow
Oh wow, I don’t know how to reply lol. That’s a very humbling statement, thank you!!
To you, Skaarj, Ota, Rhonde, Trainer, Benzin, and anyone from FQF who happens upon this thread add me on bnet @ Raiyu#11168 with a message saying who you are (or were). Looking forward to having more great times together.
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Started in 2005ish
Character: Scord
Faction: Alliance
Class: Druid
Guild: Affliction?
Ahira checking in. Played a Dwarf Hunter. I was in Des Sanct and Men of Longstaffs.
I was in FQF for a bit - Crazyclaw NE Druid
Hey, this is Crazyclaw. Long time no see.
Smeguls, NE warrior
as well as Dukh (yes, like Rukh)- Human pally on alliance since 06. Can’t remember the guilds I’ve been in, but I’ve been around for a day or 3.
Kaisen (Or Kaiz, or Kais at the time during Mal’Ganis, I forget) here. So many familiar guild names jogging the ol’ memory! FQF, Myths Fury, Praetorian Guards, Silent Requiem, Project Mayhem, etc. I used to be in Shafted and Affliction in 2006 and still main this paladin to this date (minus several realm and faction changes due to guild decisions).
I was a Human Holy Paladin back then through Ulduar. I know this is mainly about Classic, but my time as Mal’Ganis Alliance really shined during Nullify, Fighting Mongooses, Misguided Angels afterwards (then MA transferred to Mannoroth and renaming to Incite during ToGC.)
I may not go full dedication into Classic as I do still with current WoW, but I’ll give it a casual go for sure.
Do you remember me? Siggs, Human Priest, I was also in Color Changing Click, that was a fun guild!
Eastern and Evensong checking in to say hi. We played on Mal’Ganis way back in the day in CoL and eventually LoH.
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Character: Bazaar
Race/Class: Dwarf Priest
Last thing i can remember is clearing BWL, dabbling in aq40, and finishing up the Benediction quest. Also everyone being like omg a dwarf priest for fear ward lol. This is that same character and ill be playing ally again on Herod. That seems to be the server thats gonna be the main pvp server at the start.
Oscard gnome warlock.
Looking for any people I use to raid and PvP with
Dedalus - Gnome Warlock - Needs Food Badly
(Good times with NFB before the coup d’etat (I see you Skaarj!)
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Hey! Aditu here, good to see you post here!
I was BJ/Arcaney, Gnome mage in <Ret>. Making a guild on Horde side this go 'round with friends. We just got a website and Discord started up recently. Would love to reconnect with some old Arthas friends. Hit me up…
Discord @ rQv6FQr
I know you from Vidictus—interested in Grobbulus, RP-PVP? I’ll be Safina, in
On Mal’Ganis I was Trygveseim, Ashran
I’m looking for one player and his name is Morrejr. Me and him used to farm together and I was his personal healbot.
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Modie, Warrior from Avocation and Vertigo. Was going Herod, but goin Stalagg (ally) to avoid the mal’ganis launch experience again…
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Lol i remember Okam, what happend to Grendt and Vancleef (or what ever he changed his name too)
The only person I really even cared about seeing was Elflord. WHERE IS ELFLORD!?