Mal'Ganis Alliance Reconnections

Holy crap, haven’t heard Craden’s name in a while. Is mena still around?

Stonesolid - Dwarf Hunter - Nation of Legacy

Looking for Any - Nation of Legacy Members.
Would be carious if any of these players are still active
Nephas, Blackdomina, Ganadar, Chocula, Skrew, Nieva, Deathvein, TommyD, Mrcrowly - any EJ any GoonSquad


I play with Skaarj. We are getting back into Classic. Message me! We’re getting the gang back together (JoeJackJohn#1219)


i wasn’t in a guild most of the time, because i was a solo player back then. Female Night Elf Hunter named TwilÏght, later name locked myself and changed it to Stacysmom (for sh*ts and giggles after the Fountain’s of Wayne song). feel free to contact if u remember me! #ClassicIsGoingToBeSiiiiiiiiiick

My characters name on Mal’ganis was Ironsword. I was a human paladin that was in the guilds AFK, Strife, and LoH. I still am still friends with a couple of the guys from back then, but I haven’t seen them around in a while. I would like to find others that I knew back then and group up with them on classic. My battletag is Tyranus #1803

My characters name on Mal’ganis was Atlantis, human paladin. Starting way back in 05 i was in SoT, Myths Fury, Silent Requiem, then moving on to Discord, Exordium and Ret. Hoping to find some people I use to PvP with all the time.

Skaarj reporting in :smiley:


I am still friends with Raiyu and Hippo lol. Don’t talk to them as much anymore but I’m DeadChimis#1258 on here, and chimii#3494 on discord.

I was a Dwarf Paladin named Caelifer. Was in the guild FQF and then moved on to I think Praetorian guards. Was Praetorian guards formed by a bunch of people pugging MC?

Aiwass NE warrior tank/arms warrior looking for anyone that was in Silent Requiem, Illicit, Initium, will be playing again for classic.

I rememer you Crazyclaw!!

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Dariusvii, My brother was in Silent Requiem Ryukhan, and i knew Devlyn and Hermann and Hrolfnor as well…

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I played Higach human warlock. My brother played Eldux a human pally.

Both raided in Self Titled. Some names I remember:
Avista - the other lock in the guild who also got me into the guild.
Arothian - Dwarf warrior main tank
Tigerius - Holy pally with a really deep voice
Merieve? - dwarf female priest
Peris - Mage who posted pics of herself on the forums

That’s basically all I remember… wonder if anyone is still around?

I played a Warrior named Laconia rank 12. Also, played a druid named Ievyk.

Critina here! Played a Human Mage with the guild Grief.

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Kardargo Shaman and Nerek Druid. Praetorian Guard

siguanaba, human warlock, buscando a otros latinos con los que jugamos la ultima parte de clasic y burning crusade, de los que me acuerdo ahorita solo nalgaparada que era un hunter…

Aditu - NE Priest. Played primarily in LoH. Looking for anyone that still may be around (Lidow, Thad, Tantalock etc).

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Raiyu of FQF here… long time since playing so my name was taken of course on live. I am in.

Now this is a name I have not seen for some time. Raiyu-FQF here, good to see you are still around friend. Who knew an ember from Ragnaros still burned within me…