Holy crap, haven’t heard Craden’s name in a while. Is mena still around?
Stonesolid - Dwarf Hunter - Nation of Legacy
Looking for Any - Nation of Legacy Members.
Would be carious if any of these players are still active
Nephas, Blackdomina, Ganadar, Chocula, Skrew, Nieva, Deathvein, TommyD, Mrcrowly - any EJ any GoonSquad
I play with Skaarj. We are getting back into Classic. Message me! We’re getting the gang back together (JoeJackJohn#1219)
i wasn’t in a guild most of the time, because i was a solo player back then. Female Night Elf Hunter named TwilÏght, later name locked myself and changed it to Stacysmom (for sh*ts and giggles after the Fountain’s of Wayne song). feel free to contact if u remember me! #ClassicIsGoingToBeSiiiiiiiiiick
My characters name on Mal’ganis was Ironsword. I was a human paladin that was in the guilds AFK, Strife, and LoH. I still am still friends with a couple of the guys from back then, but I haven’t seen them around in a while. I would like to find others that I knew back then and group up with them on classic. My battletag is Tyranus #1803
My characters name on Mal’ganis was Atlantis, human paladin. Starting way back in 05 i was in SoT, Myths Fury, Silent Requiem, then moving on to Discord, Exordium and Ret. Hoping to find some people I use to PvP with all the time.
Skaarj reporting in
I am still friends with Raiyu and Hippo lol. Don’t talk to them as much anymore but I’m DeadChimis#1258 on here, and chimii#3494 on discord.
I was a Dwarf Paladin named Caelifer. Was in the guild FQF and then moved on to I think Praetorian guards. Was Praetorian guards formed by a bunch of people pugging MC?
Aiwass NE warrior tank/arms warrior looking for anyone that was in Silent Requiem, Illicit, Initium, will be playing again for classic.
I rememer you Crazyclaw!!
Dariusvii, My brother was in Silent Requiem Ryukhan, and i knew Devlyn and Hermann and Hrolfnor as well…
I played Higach human warlock. My brother played Eldux a human pally.
Both raided in Self Titled. Some names I remember:
Avista - the other lock in the guild who also got me into the guild.
Arothian - Dwarf warrior main tank
Tigerius - Holy pally with a really deep voice
Merieve? - dwarf female priest
Peris - Mage who posted pics of herself on the forums
That’s basically all I remember… wonder if anyone is still around?
I played a Warrior named Laconia rank 12. Also, played a druid named Ievyk.
Critina here! Played a Human Mage with the guild Grief.
Kardargo Shaman and Nerek Druid. Praetorian Guard
siguanaba, human warlock, buscando a otros latinos con los que jugamos la ultima parte de clasic y burning crusade, de los que me acuerdo ahorita solo nalgaparada que era un hunter…
Aditu - NE Priest. Played primarily in LoH. Looking for anyone that still may be around (Lidow, Thad, Tantalock etc).
Raiyu of FQF here… long time since playing so my name was taken of course on live. I am in.
Now this is a name I have not seen for some time. Raiyu-FQF here, good to see you are still around friend. Who knew an ember from Ragnaros still burned within me…