Mal'ganis 9.1

List of dreadlords added in 9.1:

  • Azodius
  • Diathorus the Seeker
  • Jannath THE DECEIVER
  • Karthazel
  • Kin’tessa
  • Lady Kisdranath
  • Lady Kivretan The Lost Sinner
  • Lady Mel’tranix
  • Mal’Ganis
  • Nal’ragas
  • Sath’zuul
  • Solenor the Slayer
  • Terravangelus the Lady of Dark Wishes
  • Vil’thras

New demons otherwise added in 9.1:

  • Suspicious Dredger
  • Dawnkeep Dredger
  • Nathrezim Infiltrator

Looks like while we’re fighting Sylvanas, Denathrius is broken out by the Dreadlords

In hindsight, the Dreadlords coming from the ward with places like “Shrouded Asylum” makes sense.

Observation: Xalatath would fight right in here, so would Ilgynoth :stuck_out_tongue:



Together with Gorgannon, they wanted to destroy the Draenei at Forest Song and turn the Orcs of Splinter Tree Post into their agents. After being killed, he was among the many demons present during the Battle for Broken Shore during the Legion intro.


The first Dreadlord we ever met and was last seen being amongst the demons summoned by Gul’dan at the Broken Shore.


Introduced in Vanilla, as a target for hunters in an epic quest. Last seen amongst the many demons on the Broken Shore during the Legion intro.



I meant new as in brand spanking new models added into the files so we’re going to see them lol

I was just remarking on who amongst this Dreadlord incursion was new and returning characters in WoW’s history.

Though it makes wonder what happen if/when likes of Mal’ganis, Diathorus the Seeker, and Solenor the Slayer are killed during the events of 9.1. Would they become permanently dead or did they infuse themselves with enough Fel to sent into the Twisting Nether upon death?


I just imagine a developer trying to think up Dreadlord names.
“What should a Dreadlord’s name be… I know there’s a Mal’Ganis… how about… Nal’Ranis? No that’s stupid. Uh, Nal’ragas. That works!”

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I actually expect they’ll survive and be our 9.2 content, but stands to reason as demons, they’d just return to the nether

Unless they do a thing like “The Inbetween is connected and continuous and essentially synonymous with the Nether!”

So many demon names from so many grimoires IRL and they go with “Nal Rag-as”

Dreadlords are pretty rad, it’ll be a shame when we unfortunately wipe them all out.

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I remember that guy. :bow_and_arrow:



All demons go to the nether, and this next part is an assumption but even if they die in the realms of death. Their fel infused souls only being able to be killed in the nether where they’re always drawn back to.

We will see if blizzard changes that though lol.

Okay, so this might sound weird, but bear with me. If Nathrezim are created/sired by Denathrius, is there a chance that he made them from pre-existing mortal souls, similar to most Venthyr? If not, and they are something he created entirely from scratch similar to Renathal and the other original Venthyr, what’s the reasoning behind them being different? Do the original Venthyr see the Nathrezim as extended family of sort, both being “children” of Denathrius?

I am currently speculating Renathal and the Curator are both actually Dreadlords in disguise, who take Venthyr form to avoid association with their bretheren as a sign of solidarity/rejection.

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I started thinking fel infused stoneborn buuuut hard to say, stoneborn share the closest model to the Dreadlords, but they’ve never been shown to be conniving like them.


Stoneborn are stone like literally though. When you kill a stoneborn, they just topple over because they’re stone. They’re not actually dead dead.

Venthyr death animations has their anima poofing from their chest, but their body remains.

Dreadlords have their anima go poof and dematerialize.


Yeah I know, was saying that I started thinking that but the only thing similar between the stoneborn and dreadlords is their models


So, do you think Dreadlords are anima given form, Stoneborn are stone given anima, and Venthyr are some hybrid of the two? It’d be nuts, but knowing Blizzard, I can see this being a retcon for the way dreadlords die.

We literally have no substantial information to speculate on except the following:

  1. All Stoneborn were born from the current Stonewright. On PTR, there is a new note on the Wrath stone in Sinfall, where the Curator tells Renathal the current Stonewright is the First Mortal Venthyr, the original Stonewright left eons ago.
  2. Draven was present at the invasion of the Light. General Gashaal from the raid was his mentor, and General Kaal from the raid was his student. That’s three “generations”/batches of Stoneborn; this also means at least Draven and Grashaal remember the Dreadlords.
  3. Stonewright on PTR confirms she was Stonewright when the Light invaded, and resents the Dreadlords for it, but does not say more.
  4. That means that before the Stonewright was made (i.e. before there were any Mortal Venthyr), before the Stoneborn were made (i.e. all living stone constructs), there was some other population.


  • I think the original population of Revendreth were Nathrezim
  • I think Renathal and Curator may be Nathrezim pretending to be Venthyr for the sake of solidarity and to distance themselves from their “family”
  • Venthyr and Stoneborn are basically a Dreadlord cut in half: Stoneborn got the body form and the strength and resilience that comes with it, but Venthyr got the vampirism and capacity for magic (and love of manipulation)

Venthyr puts its consciousness into an inanimate stoneborn form, then gets Curse of Flesh’d into a more malleable and element-corruptible version to infiltrate other realms?

Oh, neat. I’ve killed this guy on like all of my Alliance characters.

They going for that Dora Milaje market.