in 9.1
yeah that is the thread.
Good night.
in 9.1
yeah that is the thread.
Good night.
The dreadlords actually showing up in 9.1 (even if its just models for now) has to be the most under-discussed topic right now. Like…this is pretty huge for lore and story fans? Right? This still is the story forums yes?
Hey Big Boy where you been? Missed you after you bailed on the Broken Shore. Thought you might be doing some fun things in the back of BfA, but it seems you’re hanging out in the land of the dead. Hope you get some more classic lines like I always expect. Also, new model is fancy.
There is a bugged quest in korthia about a dreadlord possessing an attendant. But its bugged so i only got to the part where the attendant is friendly but is referencing to some Dreadlord that is in the quest but unkillable because of said bug.
There is also references to Arthas in the files, so idk if it is flashback related, kinda doubt it since the Uther model and Uther never interacted with mal’ganis. To our knowledge.
Maybe he went there because arthas? idk
Is there a time travel sequence coming?
There is an andorhal map but its kyrian related, i didnt manage to get to the covenant questlines on the ptr.
That would explain the human Uther model.
But it’s not just Mal’ganis, there’s a whole range of what seem to be more “generic” Dreadlord character models, and what MMO-Champ posted they seem to be all female for now…except Mal’ganis here.
EDIT: Spoke too soon, there’s a male version as well.
AHH so that’s what he was doing all of Legion and BfA! Huh? Who knew he was such a Ladies man?
Unironically mal’ganis + thrall and uthers updated models are the only thing so far that feels warcraft to me about this expansion.
but that is mostly memberberries.
I wonder if we will be getting a Thrall and Tess (?) moment since we are going back in time.
Dreadlords, labeled “ShadowlandsDreadlords”, so non-fel
This unholy Devourer model from my nightmares:
really cant wait for how the dreadlord involvement unfolds
OK … yeah, that Devourer is nightmare fuel. Art team is still killing it like always.
He’s so shiny and high-res!
He clearly took a wrong turn and ended up in the Nexus.
It was a bit strange that we didn’t see him getting up to shenanigans in Legion like all his brothers did. I’m glad he’s finally back for some action.
Very big news. Four of the main Warcraft III dreadlords showed up in Legion for us to deal with, but Mal’Ganis was a no-show aside from showing up for the family portrait at the Broken Shore.
i have encountered the dreadlords
ITs cool to see him after all these years
Its weird right? I really missed those scraggly mutton chops. And now they’re back in all his high model glory!
The female dreadlords are
Just need a little more hair uptop though.
That devourer model is terrifying what the hell. I can only imagine what it’s going to sound like…