[Mal'ganis] 2 players LF guild

  • Not really looking now, thanks anyway

Hi there.
My friend and myself are looking to potentially join a guild since it’s been a while. I’ll list what we’ve done for Dragonflight and what we’re looking for below and hopefully that’ll make it clear if we’d match what any of you guys might be looking for! (we’re just in our own placeholder guild right now to store some stuff etc so you can ignore that)

What we’ve done in Dragonflight:

  • AOTC all 3 seasons (personally I’m not really concerned with doing raids on heroic again in Season 4, but I could)

  • 2500+ all 3 seasons (again, not really a personal goal this season. more interested in collecting things in remix)

  • Herbing, Mining + Alchemy between the two of us. Together we had supplied a previous guild with essentially all phials for the entire raid team (we do NOT want to do this again, but happy to chip in for a guild that actually contributes themselves lol)

  • I main Marksman Hunter and have played Destro, Holy Priest, and Arcane Mage as alts but my numbers on hunter have been pretty great all xpac. (I’m likely to main hunter again in War Within, but if there’s no rework before then that could change)

  • She’s mained Demo (and some aff) Warlock but has played some Druid (resto + balance). Also just leveled a resto shaman to 70 and was enjoying it. (Shes unsure what she’ll be playing in War Within)

What we’re looking for:

  • A group of players who aren’t ragers or elitists (this is paramount)

  • People who are decent and are able to hit AOTC and 2k-2.5k~ without drama but also without it taking forever lol

  • Reasonable EST/Central timezone based schedule for raid stuff, and hopefully people to do M+ stuff with to help avoid the RNG of pugs (getting 2500 with randoms has been… interesting)

  • No stupid guild rules or weird loot rules or anything for the love of the gods.

I think those are the basics. There’s ofc more than that but yeah… we were intending on playing Remix and War Within (we did all the normal raids for the mount in S4, and could potentially dabble a bit if we found a fun group to hang with and remix turns out boring we get stuff done there too quickly?)

Personal note: I cannot do stuff between roughly 12-6pm on Sunday but am otherwise pretty free.

I think that’s about all! If we sound like a decent fit I guess throw a comment here or maybe hit me up on discord? - razzilith


First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to read our spam.

worldofchimera[dot]com (This is a work in progress, so excuse the mess)

We are We are a long standing guild, and are looking for more like-minded and talented people to add to our group. Or, Dare I say, Family. (Corny… I know)

Right now we’re raiding in S4, as well as Doing the M+ thing as always. We intend to continue raiding through TWW and beyond. Pushing well past the 20+ years as a guild milestone. We also plan on playing MoP Remix, for those interested in that.

We are looking to add more people to our ever-growing roster of players.

Here is our current needs as of today, however, Any exceptional player will be considered, regardless of class / role.

We are currently set on raid tanks, however, M+ players / tanks are always welcome.

DPS, is a pretty open segment, we’re not too picky, however a priest would be lovely.

Heals, Same thing We currently hold an evoker, shaman, druid but can make room for more / make a few changes for the right person.

Our raid times are Tuesday/Sunday. 8-11 EST

We are AOTC+ Focused, What this means is roster permitting, and without drama/stress as half of us are former hardcore CE players and do wish to stress out anymore.
It means that once we clear AOTC, and if we feel like it, we’ll go touch some mythic, again, Roster Permitting. However, if we get some down, then we get some down. If not. Thats fine too. we’re here to have fun and enjoy the game as it was intended to be done.

If you have ANY questions, please reach out at your convenience. Frozenwing#1670-bnet or simply join our discord and talk to ANY of our raid members, they would be more than happy to tell you more about who we are!

Discord invite - > CjbS7juzGT

Thanks again for reading our posting! See you in the world!

-Frozenwing [GM].

Hi Razzilith, I sent you a friend request via discord. My guild Unyielding sounds like it might be a good fit for you and your friend! We’re a semi casual AOTC focused raiding guild that is currently recruiting for s4 and TWW. We’re seeking healers and rdps for our team. We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-11 CST. I would love to chat with you!

Good Morning, I am the other half of the equation lol. Razz pretty much summed it all up fairly well, but i will also add the extra info that he takes the content more seriously than i do. As he so nicely let me know, im the raid night = drinking night type lol.
I play the game to have fun and be a chaos gremlin, if im halfway decent, thats a bonus. I’m not terrible, but i also most likely wont put in the effort to be great if its gonna be a slog and not fun. With that added info, i will say i am also happy just struggling along the slow alt runs if were all just having a good time. :slight_smile:


Bumping this, still looking for a guild to join. :slight_smile: I’m still unsure of what to main, but have been enjoying healing (even though I’m rusty at it), my game plan is probably to main shaman if a guild is found, otherwise just warlock it up. Im not a fun of pug healing ;-;, or pug anything tbh lol.


Hope you guys find what you’re looking for! I’m sorry we weren’t what you folks were looking for! Really seem like pretty cool and down to earth players! Best of luck!

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Hey try adding you on discord. But it doesn’t let me. Add me graceffa

Hey there Razzilith! First, our guild is on Mal’Ganis so you won’t even need to xfer. Also, we have a pretty varied group of people so you will have your choice of how you want to jump into content. The current tempo for S4 is heroic on Tuesday and mythic on Thursday. Additionally, we have a weekend raid team, both generally raid 7-10PM CST. Last season our main team went 6/9M. We plan to have the core push CE for the War Within, but stay with the 2 day raid schedule. We will still maintain 2 different raid groups, weekday and weekend. Looking forward to connecting with you. Dropping my spam below:

[H] Coded Chaos - Mal’Ganis – 6/9M Amirdrassil

Who We Are:

Coded Chaos dropped into Patch 10.2 as a newly formed guild and was able to push 6/9M. Now, we return with renewed vigor to conquer the challenges of the new season and the eventual expansion. Beyond raiding, we excel in mythic+ dungeons and engage in PvP combat. Additionally, we work to foster a vibrant gaming community that extends beyond just the confines of Azeroth.

What you can expect:

Strong camaraderie and resilience: Our guild values adaptability and resilience, fostering an environment where members thrive under pressure and support one another through every challenge.

  • Consistent raid schedule: Engage in progression raids every Tuesday and Thursday from 7pm to 10pm Server Time.
  • Fair loot distribution: Through the use of RCLootCouncil, we ensure that loot is distributed in a manner that optimally benefits the raid’s overall progression.

What You Bring:

  • Quick wits and tough skin. We are not easily offended, and you shouldn’t be either.
  • A desire to continually better your chosen character. Enchants, gems, BIS focus, and optimized stats are important if we want to get the best out of each pull.

Current Focus:

  • Ranged Dps: Mage, Augmentation Evoker, Hunter
  • Melee Dps: Feral Druid, Enhancement Shaman
  • Healers: Disc Priest, Holy Paladin

Feel free to reach out and connect with me on Discord at “drakzula” or on BNET at Brizzle#1972.

I feel like maybe I need to specify a few things for myself at least.

  • I have no interest in tryharding mythic raid
  • I’m not really interested in key pushing for Season 4. I’m just doing raids weekly and gonna be doin stuff in MoP remix when it’s out
  • I’m not server transferring, especially since War Within comes with cross realm guilds
  • I don’t want to switch my main (not even necessarily decided going into the next xpac)
  • I’m not terribly interested in doing keys past +10 since score doesn’t really interest me
  • I won’t be taking part in any loot council shenanigans or giving BoE’s to the guild or any of that (I’m the kind of player who is likely to hand gear to somebody who needs it more, if they’re a consistent part of the team)

I’m also not really in a huge rush to join a guild. It’s more about finding a good fit with personalities and goals that gel than anything else. So yeah, just wanted to add some things in since all these things have come up at least once with people I’ve talked to so far.

Hey Razz - I sent you a friend request on Discord. Would love to chat with you more.

My guild is on Zul’'jin, we raid 2 nights a week on T/W 8-11PM EST. We are doing heroic and mythic for S4 right now and plan to raid in War Within together.

Right now we cleared AOTC for all 3 awakened raids on Day 1 of their release and did 3/9M in both Aberrus and Amirdrassil.

We are a pretty chill group, enjoy playing with each other and having a fun time while raiding. No crazy rules to meet other than a ilvl requirement at the start of the new season to keep people actively pushing for gearing up. Most of us run 8+ keys a week to get a full vault so things are always active on off nights. We don’t require alts, but many of us try and maintain 2-3 different alts and we run alt raids on Friday’s for anyone that wants to join.

Hey… message me on discords if you want to talk. I think we might be a good fit for you and your friend. Discord : Graceffa

Still potentially interested in finding a guild for TWW. Not particularly active currently since I’ve done everything I want to do in DF and I’m geared enough on my hunter, lock, mage, priest and I have a timerunner pally and warrior lol

Almost certainly looking to primarily focus on the MM hunter and Destro-lock in TWW, but might look to level and gear 1 more depending on how much time I have (and how much fun it is).

Anyway just to refine a bit:

  • Not looking to be super sweaty but 100% interested in AotC and hitting 2500 IO for rewards.
  • Weird/special loot rules in raid are a no-go for me
  • No addon requirements or any of that

Lookin for a guild has been a little exhausting, but definitely worth waiting for the right fit.

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[NA][Kel’Thuzad] Wed/Thur 8:30-11 EST + Tues/Fri 8:30-11 EST

Hi, we are Last Pull on Kel’Thuzad, and yes, we consistently kill new bosses on the last pull of the night. We have two raid teams, one raid schedule is Wednesday/Thursday 8:30-11 EST (5:30-8 PST, 6:30pm-9pm MST, 7:30-10 CST). The other is Tuesday/Friday 8:30-11 EST (5:30-8 PST, 6:30pm-9pm MST, 7:30-10 CST)
We have gotten AOTC every tier in Dragonflight and have made the push into Mythic raiding in seasons 3 and 4. We are a “real life first” guild full of experienced raiders who enjoy pushing progression on our limited schedule.

We have kept a solid core roster since our guild started about 5 years ago, and are looking for a few more great players to round us off due to the stricter Mythic raid size requirement. We’re always eager to welcome more players who are looking for a long term guild to grow with and kill some bosses.

Guild members run M+ most days as well, with multiple players above 3k RIO and the vast majority of raiders having KSH. Several of us are previous Mythic raiders who got old and wanted to take it a little easier, so it has a very “dad guild” type atmosphere (we also have multiple moms too!). Now we are itching to go a little further with how well our team is doing, while still keeping the same laid back guild atmosphere that our members love.

We are currently ONLY recruiting for the Tues/Fri team and looking for:

High Priority
DPS Warrior
DPS Evoker
DPS/Heals Shaman
Ranged DPS

Moderate Priority
BM/MM Hunter

We encourage any great players to reach out to us even if your spec is not listed above. All we ask is that you work on your character and game knowledge, be willing to ask for or offer help, and be part of the team. We would prefer people who are already geared as we are currently progressing Mythic, but exceptional past logs will certainly be taken into consideration.

Please reach out if you think we’d be a good fit for you. You can contact me at Amerrol#1654 (BTAG).

Thanks for taking the time to read my post, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Chaotic Shadows is an AOTC guild with goals of Mythic progression. We have a diverse group of members, from new players to seasoned raiders, and we’re seeking team-oriented individuals willing to help others and tackle challenging content.

We raid on Tue and Thu from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM EST.

Check the list below to see what classes and specs we’re currently recruiting. Even if your class/spec isn’t listed, but you believe you’d be a good fit for our guild, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Immediate Needs:

  • Healers - Any Spec
  • Tank- Any Spec

High Priority:

  • Ranged DPS

Medium Priority:

  • Melee DPS

WE DO MORE THAN JUST RAID! We also have members online throughout the week engaging in activities like pushing Mythic+ keys.


Attendance matters. Even though we lean towards a more casual approach. We’re looking for members committed to showing up regularly, not just logging in sporadically.

Openness to learning and embracing constructive feedback is key. If there’s an opportunity for growth, we’ll reach out to offer assistance. It’s important to be enthusiastic about improving and not take feedback personally.


The Discord channels will be our primary source of notification for all of the following. You are expected to read all the Discord messages and be up to date on the information throughout the week.

We strive to be kind and have a good sense of humor. We’re all adults here with a common goal of defeating bosses. Our humor may be somewhat ‘mature,’ but we make a concerted effort to avoid causing offense.

Our guild is like a tight group of friends. We have a blast laughing and raiding all night and keep the fun going with a lively Discord chat during the day when we can’t play. Hope to chat with you soon about joining in on the fun!

Please reach out here or add me below
Discord .stephenl
Bnet Gorehowl#11853

Please feel free to check us out.

[H][US][BlackwaterRaiders] LF Team-Oriented Raiders

Raid times: Tues and Thursday 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm EST

Hello, I am the Guild Lead and Raid Lead for The Deadmen on BlackwaterRaiders (in the US).

We are seeking friendly, capable players interested in competing for high level Mythic content, have good listening skills, are patient, and are collaborative. Our goal is to have a well-organized team that communicates well and operates efficiently on the road through Mythic Progression. We also strive to maintain a competitive and fun environment that is welcoming to all!

We do also have a second raid team that has seasonal goals of AotC and provides a more casual and developmental atmosphere if that is more your style! They raid Mon and Wed at the same times!

We are constantly running Mythic+ and higher end keys, doing what we can to make sure we’re approaching all areas of progression within the game. On top of that, our guild is teeming with experienced individuals who are happy to help if you have any questions or make for good company to the already experienced.

We prioritize creating a space where you can be yourself and enjoy the time you spend with the members of this guild. We almost always have people in one of our discord voice chats hanging out even if they’re not playing together or playing other games. We are LGBT+ friendly and welcome to members of all identities, personalities, backgrounds, military service, and political affiliations. We also have officers solely dedicated to mental health check-ins and support.

Please contact the information below if you’re interested or have any further questions!

Discord: TheGantaGun#3912
Battle Tag: TheGantaGun#1518

Hi Razzilirra,

We might be the right guild for you.

Clan Seppuku just celebrated 18 years last May and are looking for more awesome people to join us for 11.0

We are a World 2st™(pronounced “toost”) inclusive Horde cross faction cross server AotC guild.

We do M+ for funzies, lotteries, raffles, Darts, hide n seek, TONK WARS, with much more room for activities. We are not a Mythic raid guild, been there done that, not worth the burn out.

Our 3 raid teams will be recruiting for 11.0 raiding beginning officially in September.

Raid schedule is as follows

Team 1 (Negative Douchebags)
Tues 8pm-10pm
Sun 8pm-10pm

Team 2 (Pet’s Pets)
Wed + Thurs 10pm-12am

Team 3 (The Revengers)
Fri + Sat 9pm-11pm

Tank spots are currently full on all 3 raid teams, plenty of room for M+ tanks

All raid times are EST

We are also looking for social members. It’s not all about raiding.

We do M+ every Monday to get any raid toon who needs a key completed for the week. Push groups will be forming on their own as logistics allow it

We are a ZERO drama guild. No Political or Religious discussions in public chats, it’s too divisive and we all know Garrosh was a chad, and Light Zealots are out of their minds.

Join our cross server community - “Clan Seppuku Cross Faction Dalaran” for additional info
Or apply directly in game on Dalaran-US(horde only at this time) put WoW forums in your application comment section.

Contact info
Wraist - GM -
btag Wraist#1129
Discord Wraist#5218

DMs in discord have the fastest response time


Hey razz i reaponded with the wrong info =/ lol. But below is the correcr info. If interested or have more questions please feel free to reach out thanks

**About us: **

We are a Horde based guild on Zul’jin
We are an AOTC focused guild.
We are 9/9H Amirdrassil
We are a guild that likes to do all content be it N/H raiding and some prog into Mythic without being hardcore and/or elitist.
We have a very active discord we hang out in daily and post in all day.
We like to have friendships instead of just numbers we want you in discord talking and in guild.
18+ guild

What we offer:

Active and very friendly guild enviroment.
Mythic keys as a group
Heroic Raiding twice a week.
Normal raiding for alts and those who cant make heroics, once a week after progressing into Heroic.
Mount and Xmog runs (gm is a mount collector and goes daily on runs)
TW raids when they are available.
SUPER active Discord !
Friendly enviroment to grow and thrive.
Safe place for Women and LGBTQIA to enjoy playing

What we are looking for:

Need 1 Tank
Need 1 Healer
Need a few DPS

People who show up consistently
People who are not going to flake and leave after a few wipes (raid wipes happen)
Good attitudes
Knowledge of class playing.
(Willing to look at all classes and specs, no immediate denials)

Raid Times

(Prog group) Fridays and Saturdays 9pm - 12am EST
(Alt and extras) Wednesdays 9pm -11pm EST
(Xmog/Mount/TW) Sundays 7pm -9pm EST

We accept all players and are not just looking for raiders.

If this seems like a good fit or even just interested feel free to reach out to us, either by replying here or messaging us on the socials.

Bnet: Drag0nss#11100, Nymue#11411 Remane#1467

Discord: Dragons2406, Nymue37, Remane

Server Zul’jin: Dragonss, Nymueh, Rimaine

Thankyou for your time and as always, Embrace the Chaos be Epic!

Heya Razzilirra,

The Bad Guys may be what you’re looking for. We’re accepting any and all classes/roles.

We’re located on Mal’Ganis, with raid times being Tues/Thurs 8-10 CST.

Most of our raiders are previous cutting-edge progression raiders who have dialed back our focus on winning at all costs to having a more laid back and comfortable approach. Our raid leaders are experienced in leading successful end game guilds, and work to guide our team easily through AOTC and potentially the first couple of bosses in Mythic if the group is up to it.

We also have a strong Mythic Plus community, with most members hovering between 2.5k and 3.2k rating.

So if you’re looking for a non-sweaty, fun-loving group that’s able to kill dragons on a decent schedule, send me a shout on bnet at Zeno#1740.

Good luck in your search

Hey Razzilirra,

I just wanted to reach out and throw our recruitment thread to you and see if it’s something you might be looking for.
Or if you have questions my B-net: Sixdays#11277