< Reign > AOTC - Wed/Fri 10am MST - 1pm MST - Recruiting for Raiding and M+

Looking for a mid day raiding guild and noticing it’s not really a thing? Well Look No further!
Reign is a Newly formed, semi-hardcore mid day heroic raiding guild. Shooting for AOTC clears. We are a small group of experienced players Looking to increase our ranks!
Realm: Based off Hakkar / Cross Realm encouraged
Faction: Alliance
Guild Type: 21+ Semi-hardcore raiding ( normal / heroic) and Looking for Strong Mythic plus key pushers!
Raid Times: Wednesday & Friday from 10am MDT(12pm EST) - to hard stop 1pm MDT (3pm EST) with Monday as a backup / alt raid day.
Currently recruiting all specs to ramp up for TWW.

Recruitment needs
Augmentation Evoker: High
Rogue: High
Mage: High
Resto and Boom Druid: High
HPally: High
Disc / Holy Priest: High

Please feel free to reach out to myself if you have any questions.
B-net: Sixdays#11277
Discord: Mearpond

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Here for the weekend bump :slight_smile: have a great weekend guys!

Looking for more!

LF a hpally and or holy/disc priest. A tank (prefer DH or DK) hit me up :call_me_hand:t3:

End of weekend bump. Hope to talk to some more players this week.

Bump for grammatical errors fixed lol :joy:

Updated recruitment needs

Very active daytime guild.

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Updated recruitment needs