Why y’all started bulling my boy Malf? Blizzard has been expert in this topic since Legion, don’t join them, please.
And do not diminish the credits of Hamuul. Malfurion brought back Ysera?That’s nice. But that’s nothing compared to my eternal gratitude to Hammul who sold me beautiful mogs in dreamsurge
It feels like Chris Metzen is the only person who has ever worked at Blizzard who actually likes Malfurion, considering how hard virtually everyone else at Blizzard sidelines the character and does everything they can to keep him out of every storyline ever. At this point it’s surprising that someone didn’t decide to just outright kill off Malfurion within the last 7 years or so.
The player brought back Ysera, it was Malfurion who got Ysera in a place where Xavius could his nasty on her. And Tyrande with the Player’s help who put her down.
I think he means in Dragonflight, when Malfurion went to Ardenweald to presumably nap, so Ysera could return and do nothing for a while before telling her daughter “ok, you lead now.”
My assumption is that the sha were in Pandaria because the Heart of Y’shaarj was located there. But also because that is where Shaohao manifested the Primes into their physical forms. Well 6 of them anyway. Pride became some mists for 10k years. Until Garrosh caused it to take on a physical form.
The point was that it was sloppy though. It was a last resort as they knew straight up ripping the Old Gods like the weeds that they were would be messy.
Y’shaarj was a big boi. Hell Yogg-saron’s blood made it as far south as Duskwood and Feralas, despite being imprisoned at the northern most point of Northrend.
My mistake, I meant Fyrakk and his minions enhanced by Shadowflame.
Other threats even if they weren’t official Void forces, were still closely entangled/allied with Shadow.
Titans are associated more with fighting Fel demons than the Void. Although we hear from chronicles that they themselves defeated the Old Gods, The legend of Elun’ahir may indicate that Pantheon forcefully taken all the credits.
Even if what you say is true, it leaves Nature in a sad position, badly underrepresent. Light has always been the first to fight Death. Order dealt with Fel and Void. And what’s left for Life? Forgotten in Shadowlands, the last attack on Legion was led by the army of the light and now it’s Light who’s going to take over as the title of the main opponent of Void. I always liked how in old lore the opposing cosmic forces weren’t direct enemies. Paladins fought against the Scourge of undead while Druids dealt with the corruption of Old Gods. (Cenarion Circle plant Vordrassil to stop Saronite is another example) but now Life seems to be sitting in the corner of this conflict doing almost nothing. There was a hope that Harranir would fix this situation, but now seeing as we will go after Eternals to K’aresh, Elun’ahir probably will get smaller, even minor content.
We have no idea how the Old gods tried to get to the Azeroth soul underground. They didn’t have to go straight, but like roots slowly pushed down in different directions where it suits them. The top of Y’Shaarj may stood on the well of eternity but his bottom found the fastest way to the core through the place were the Coreway was now located. When Aman’thul tore out the Old god some pieces of his body were left like in the case of the roots of Elun’ahir. This also explained where the Black Blood came from, the remains of the god’s body simply poured it out of the wounds.
Naaaw but my big ole essay I had planned to unleash …
{Snaps fingers} Maybe next time …
Aside from Y’Shaarj being a massive dummy thicc old god — I’d imagine Aman’Thul sneezed when he yanked him out and clenched his fist - resulting into an explosion of gore.
Aman’Thul:“Oh f —”
Eonar:“Oh and I’M the one creating disorder with life!?? You just showered a void lord’s kid all over the place!!”
Aman’Thul: “I was uuuuh Sending a message … To the other old gods … Yes. That.”
comedy aside, I wonder what really happened to Y’Shaarj body. Aman’thul wouldn’t just squeezed such a large Void object perfect for research. Lol, maybe we’ll see it in some experimental jar when we visit Titanlands.
I don’t think he did it for research purposes. It was because Y’shaarj was just that powerful. I imagine after the titanforged found the Heart of the beast they decided to lock it up and try to research it. It was probably this decision that led to the creation of Uldir and their research into figuring out a way to purge the Old Gods without causing any residual damage to the planet or Azeroth herself.
I know it. Getting rid of Y’shaarj was their main goal. But knowing the curious nature of titans as a scientists, I don’t think they would just throw such a massive research subject into a black hole trashcan or something. Since they already had it in hand, why not examine it.