Malfurion will return to help us with black blood

Black blood is one of the most important parts of the story in this expansion. Xal’atath collects it for her purposes, first to strengthen the Nerubians, now to repair the Dark Heart. Outside of that we meet Orweyna when she trying to heal the roots who begun to merge with blood. This blood has properties that cause nightmares after contact with it. The appearance of the zones under the influence of blood, such as Excavation Site 9, gives me a huge Emerlad Nightmare vibe. We can already guess that this will be the main problem the Harranir will be struggling with. Orwenya seems to be a powerful character with a connection to the Roots and Azeroth, but even she cannot get rid of corruption, only temporarily stop it. I see a big chance for Malfurion to appear here. He’s fought the nightmare and defeated it many times before, so he definitely has the required knowledge and skills to fight similar corruption.

Besides, this would be the third expansion in a row, where Azeroth’s greatest druid would be absent in Nature’s plot. I’m not saying that Malfurion should take Orwenya place, knowing how some people are tierd of Night Elves, but I feel that forgetting about him once again, especially in the World Trees content, would be another slap in the face for this character. Let him appear as a side character, he doesn’t have to be present in cutscenes, or even have voice actor. Let them not repeat Tyrande mistake with Malf, where she’s in a lot of cutscenes but overall did nothing. Maybe bring him back only for a few quests? Let him come, do something that will actually help save the roots, and let him go back to his hooneymoon, just that.

Honestly, I keep forgetting he exists.

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Wasn’t he supposed to be on a senior cruise with Tyrande indefinitely?

I guess actually being around his wife for an extended period of time made him come screaming back for the days where he did anything but spend time with her.


Maybe. He is Alliance after all. Heaven forbid they add a Horde character to the plot.


Yeah I figured Blizzard lvoes to force alliance people in our faces even tho in thie story they don’t make sense being there.


My assumption is that it’ll be Thrall taking point for dealing with the black blood. The goblins are harvesting it, but they’re a symptom of a larger problem at the moment.

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He usually appeared when nature/world trees were threaten so he should come and help, but since Legion it’s been a series of humiliating failures. Kidnapped in the Dream, shot in the back while defending Teldrassil, did nothing while hundreds of wild gods dies in Ardenwelad, sacrificed himself for Ysera so she would do absolutely nothing (she never even fought against any of the Incarnates) and now he wouldn’t be present to defend the roots of the first world tree? The defense of Nordrassil in Cata is the only major thing he’s done on screen in wow. If Malf doesn’t show up at all, he should really give the title of main archdruid to someone else.

Gazlowe got a lot of spotlight in undermine(s) for me he’s a really cool, proactive character

I don’t know how Thrall himself would deal with blood, but it would be cool to see the strongest Shaman and druid working together.

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I wish I could. People keep reminding me that he’s out there… like sure I get it you have a fetish for old guys who sleep a lot and have a thing for vines/bindings, but let’s let someone else take over for a bit?

Supposedly, rumors are they are working on a new generation… I’m guessing Tyrande needs some personal time with “my beloved” and considering the tropes, and since this forum has a thing for fetishes, is probably making extensive use of his binding skills to “enhance” their time together.

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This isn’t a Nature thing, it’s a Void thing and it’s Alleria who has to overcome her inner paradox to save the day.

Besides, Tyrande has 13,000 years of lost time to make up for… she’s not done with him yet.


Yeah, as second fiddle to an Alliance character, with an Alliance character pulled out of obscurity to share the spotlight.

Now it is right that this is more attention than the Horde has gotten in a long, long, time. It also trivial compared to that they Alliance has been given.

Its like someone eats every night at the best resaurants and the second gets othing but packeged diners. You give the second guy a hamburger, say “that’s taken care of” and then think about more cool restaurants for the first guy?


I also want more Horde characters (the lack of Thrall in dragonflight where the elements going nuts, or any tauren in the expansion where we start to learn more about the Earth Mother is something I don’t understand) but no other character we know fits thematically so well with the story of Elun’ahir’s roots as Malfurion. It would be really cool to see Thrall, Talanji (how could you fool us like that, Blizzard), or even Vol’jin in the Harranir patch, but Malfurion there makes the most sense.

Nightmare and now black blood are trying to corrupt the territory of life, that’s definitely also the content of Nature.

Y’know what bugs me about the black blood?

So, it’s old god blood, right? Which only makes sense if it’s Yshaarj’s blood, since it’s been around for a long time, and that’s the only old god who died before the Champion Commander Maw Walkers of the Legionfall and Order Halls came around. So, okay, Yshaarj’s blood.

… How freaking sloppy was Aman’thul when he ripped Yshaarj out of Azeroth then?? Because it was located in Central Kalimdor (the Well of Eternity was the wound from ripping Yshaarj out), Pandaland is waaaay to the south on the Ancient Kalimdor map but was suffering from the after-effects. And now, where ever the Rootlands are, the blood was there and under Khaz Algar to the west of Pandaland??

Aman’Thul, next time you rip a Lovecraft from a planet, please bring a bucket and drop it in there before you slosh old god stuff all over the south!!

… This is an unserious post, do not be serious with it.


Gawd, Aman’thul could’ve at least asked Y’saarj nicely to not bleed all over the furniture and the rest of the house! You know hard it is to clean up blood?!

And the stains! Everywhere, just everywhere!

Last time I take quest from a dead guy who shows up out of the blue! (Okay, no it won’t be. :dracthyr_nod:)


Narratively speaking… we’ve got enough characters in play without bringing another alliance character, especially rerunning Malfurion…AGAIN. Man’s on vacation leave him be… unless you want to face the dreaded Scolding of Tyrande.


I mean it could be worse. Imagine if the stains got into the hardwood floor. We would have had to rip out the floor.


Imagine if the ants eat it and than we end up with world ending tentacle ants?!

The horror!

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Actually, isn’t that technically what the Klaxxi and the other insect races are.


I guess they are technically murder bugs thinking about it


Sir!! Excuse me, sir!!!

Nerubians are an arachnid race, not an insect race.

I shall not tolerate anti-arachnid slander in the Story Forums.

~Alynsa, actual literal Warchief of the Story Forum Horde and Spider-Defender


I wanna adopt the therapist from Azj-kahet. He’s such a good sp00der boy