Nevertheless, my stance on the fact that all spiders must be destroyed before they get me remains. Look, I know spiders aren’t actually evil and they do more good than harm, but they are coming to get so bring me a flamethrower. We’re going to undermine I know they have them.
Can’t see it happening, (Cenarion) druidism has never really excelled at fighting Old God shenanigans, I think? Better off giving more development to Orweyna and the Haranir, assuming they’ll continue to show up post-TWW.
Yeah but then Chris Metzen could’ve decided when he came back “He’s my favorite character so I want to use him since nobody else bothered to.” lmao but that’s a monkeys paw at this point.
If he shows up I guess just either use him in Midnight and make a vehicle to give more races druids through his involvement as THE og Shan’do of the setting, but even then, I’d rather he’s not shoehorned into this elven unification plot, and i’d prefer nelves in general just dont be involved in that lmao.
He is the least narratively used leader from wc3, even in wow he rarely wake up to do something. Sending Malfurion on vacation sounds as ridiculous as making Sylvanas the main character after Shadowlands.
Cenarius is the son of two gods of Nature (one of them created Elun’ahir), who taught drudiism to mortals, I think Harranir’s druid magic is at a similar level. Besides, Cenarius Druids have great experience of fighting the Void.
Druids vs Emerald Nightmare
Druids vs Black Flame
War of the Shifting Sands.
First Night Warrior vs unknown old god.
If An’she turns out to be a god of life like his sister is, we have another example.
All of these threats are the direct work of the Void. Even in the legend of Elun’ahir they showed us nature’s might fight against Black empire. This trend has been going on since the early wow mythologies.
For example when did the Light directly fight the Void? I only remember their fights with Death. Paladin vs Death knight is the most iconic fight between two forces. Not Light vs Void. One Legion comic has made everyone now believe that their fight was planned from the beginning, when it was the forces of Nature who opposed the Void might most. Even if you find some smaller examples, none of them match the amount of Shadow’s attacks on Life
And I directly wrote to not take him the role of Orwenya, but let him come help, let’s use his knowledge and talent even for a few quest.
I think you’re using the wrong name for some group.
That was less about Nature fighting the Void and more about the night elves in general. And the fighting was going poorly for the night elves until the bronze dragons got involved.
Elune is not explicitly a Nature goddess. Not yet. I would put this as a maybe at present.
The only real example of Life opposing Void is with the Emerald Dream/Nightmare.
No, that would be Order. Either through the titans directly, or through their creations and proxies. I agree Light v Void isn’t shown in-game very often, if at all, but it’s always been Order going up against the big Void threats.
He was front and center in Cataclysm. in BFA the only Alliance leaders that got more screentime were Tyrande and Anduin. He was also a key figure in Dragonflight.
This is NOT a Nature themed expansion. Its not a Nature gone wrong expanion, It is a Void/Elemental expanion so ideally what we should be seeing more of are Shamans, not Druids.
He appeared in the middle patch. It’s far from being front and center. I can also say the same about Vol’jin because he played a similar role in 4.1 but I didn’t do it. Thrall and Aspects were the main characters in Cata.
you confused Tyrande with Jaina. The first one was forgotten outside of Darkshore. I think Saurfang, Thrall and (at that time) Sylvans had similar importance to the plot.
No. The key figures are those that we constantly see, they actively working against obstacles and fighting against major opponents. They have visible influence on the story. Malfurion helped us bring back Ysera, but beyond that? Maybe if Ysera came back as an aspect, his sacrifice would have had a impact on the story, but Ysera herself didn’t do anything important. The only side quest where she was more vocal was about the funeral. Yep, the only time she actually did anything instead of cheering up Merith was Gracus’ funeral. Very important plot in defeating Fyrakk
I know. I’m not shouting everywhere why we don’t see Malfurion on Isles of dorn, Azj-kahet or Undermine. But Rootlands will be definitely a nature themed patch where Malfurion would fit perfectly.
I think Horde players are more than tired of relying on Alliance characters to move them along in the story. If a Druid must show up, Hanuul Runetotem can start earning his keep.
I have nothing against Hammul but that doesn’t mean Malfurion can’t show up too. The ideal scenario is to have separate storylines for Horde and Alliance where players of each faction get quests from different druids. Only occasionally work together through Orwenya.
Like Blizzard has an EXCELLENT track record of going through that effort. Horde players are constantly being made to kiss up to Alliance leaders, time for some of the opposite.
Or maybe MAINLY work through her. she’s been building up for sometime and she’s due for a narrative payoff.
He does all the work, but never gets the credit because that one time Malfurion let him present a paper on flower reproduction, he just drooled and ate more mayo.