Malefic Cores, can now not be caught up

Yes, you can, if you hide your armory external sites cannot track you.

None of this info is accurate, it’s like relying on wowpop to get the population. Or extrapolating the data from number of mythic boss kills.

You cannot hide your Armory data? How do you hide armory data lol?

Wowpop does not use your personal data, they use data from the AH API, which is not restricted, they are not using your unique data. They dont list number of accounts, but of Players. That is also 100% accurate.

World of Wargraphs, uses rating and boss kills, so that metric is useful for people actively participating in End Game play.

You are confused, by what blocking API does for you.

You’re not even right on that, wow pop uses data from the wowcensus addon. Pretty sure the site went down anyway.

Are you saying Blizz only read threads that has higher views? instead of the latest thread on top of the list?

That seems very unlikely though since the forum is sort by latest on default.

Sorry I thought you meant wow realm pop, never heard of that one.

That site seems to only be for classic, which is coded differently.

Still waiting on the way to block Armory data?

This thread is now over.

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Bad idea…

If you block your armory external sites cannot track you, they will tell you you need to make your profile public.

you dont give your schedule when you apply??? oof

yup, just saw that, not how I would have done it, but it works.

not every job has that option, and sometimes you have to take what you can get.

If the only job offer you’ve gotten in 3 months is night shift, you just going to pass it up?

Agreed, not the best option but it will have to do.

Now I got till July 7th to max out resist and farm up enough for 5x gushing. Going to be hard, but doable.

WE did it BOYS!!!

Is this saying that it’s still capped to 2 per week? Or is it saying that you can buy 2 from Mother and still EARN 2 per week?

Its kind of confusing me too.

It sounds like you can keep buying them as long as you have the currency up to the current cap.

I would have still preferred the weekly mythic+ and PvP chests over more echo chasing but o well. Now it’s not a time gate since it can be grinder.

They are no longer forcing you into raiding each week for the additional malefic core. You can obtain the echoes for the core no matter what you do end game, whether it be PvE, PvP, or Mythic Plus grinding…

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Ya but its going to suck due to the mother cycle, going to have to time everything right and grind your face off.

But it will do.

If your cloak hit 15 today, its going to be 26k echos to catch up.

I understand that it isn’t what the majority of players wanted as their time gate, but I still chalk it up as a win that they listened to the players and did something about it that improved it by even a minuscule amount. It means they are at least paying attention.

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But it’s not a catch up if there is nothing to catch up to. If it was part of BfA since the xpac launch then it’s not a catch up, it’s a base part of the xpac.