Male Night Elf Warrior Or Female Night Elf Warrior

Which is the best way to go for this?

Are you going to play the Male Night Elf Night Warrior Warrior or the Female Night Elf Night Warrior Warrior?


With the right mog, they could be a Male Knight Night Elf Night Warrior Warrior or a Female Knight Night Elf Night Warrior Warrior.


Female Night Elf Night Warrior Warrior does have a nice ring to it.
On topic though, until 20 years ago in canon all night elven soldiers were female. All of them.
The men were druids.
If you want to imagine your character as having any sort of experience comparable with their fellow elves, you should probably play female.


female night elf because the males have those creepy beady little eyes and frog legs. they also look so angry all the time


Since they remade the character models the male night elves have annoyed me so my vote would be for a female one.


Female. Males look like awkwardly-proportioned moving mannequins.


If your a girl you should play the female night elf night warrior warrior or if your a male you should play the male night elf night warrior warrior or if you identify as female female night elf night warrior warrior same for male night elf night warrior warrior

Just the thing to wear to Knight Night Elf Night Warrior Warrior Night!


oor just play whichever one you think looks nicer because your irl gender shouldnt determine what you play in a fantasy RP game


It’s immersive for some. Like me, sharing an opinion. Because it’s a Game and you can do whatever you want?


I’m glad im not the only one who noticed the male night elf stance change after the update - Most noticeable for me is the walk, it used to be a laid back type of movement, now they run looking like there is a stick stuck somewhere.


also that casting animation is so awkward, always has been (to me at least)
the way they stick their hands right up to their foreheads to cast.

male night elves could use a few fixes on the run/walk

Female, imo. It fits the traditional night elf aesthetic where the males were casters and females were melee.

Plus, Tyrande and Maiev


Male if you like to look gross, female if not. In my World, this applies to all racial choices. It’s cut and dried for me. Sometimes I choose gross. I RP.

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Female, they bounce and do flips.


We males flip too, though there’s less bouncing. /shrug

I usually pick character races by rolling a class trial and seeing what the animations look like; after all, you’re going to spend a LOT of time watching those animations. Probably why I never play humans, I could watch that animation on live TV all day, why bother in a game? :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Males, not makes. Geez, I can English.


I like the males better, myself. Though Night Elves are cool either way. They’re so cool, they made the magic elitist shut-in Nightborne cool just by racial association. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But like Theridor said, the animations are what sell it. Watch some videos or roll a trial, see what you like. :slight_smile:

Female night elves have pig tail/twin tail hair style plus they look good in skimpy plate armor so I think the choice is obvious :stuck_out_tongue:

But really it just depends on what type of character you want tough looking or beautiful

It was actually a lot longer ago than that. You learn that if you pick up an artifact - males being allowed to be priests and warriors, and females being able to be druids.

I think it’s called… uhhhhh… one sec.

it’s the Druid and Priest Statue Set. It’s inferred that along with being able to be priests, Males were also allowed to be warriors.