I love it. It’s my second favorite among the sets (First being cloth)
Can’t wait to use it on Hella here.
I love it. It’s my second favorite among the sets (First being cloth)
Can’t wait to use it on Hella here.
I get what you mean but I’m actually glad to see them be a little flexible with the art. Especially when established lore in game supports the variation chosen. But alas art is subjective. Now I do wish the cloth set had a robe option.
I’m not sure why they veered to Abomination when the rest are pretty awesome as they are. I think it would look better if it had more bones and less of a flesh appearance, the arm just seems random and wonky.
That’s the definition of a Death Knight in D&D. Their soul is linked to their weapon (well, technically their weapon is their soul).
J. Alan Brack kicks in Ion’s door “YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!”
They both run to the computer, it pans to them looking at it. “Well? What do you have to say for yourself Ion? We HAVE to change the Maldraxxus Leather set no matter what!”
Ion quirks a brow “But wouldn’t that delay us and our investors would not li…” A quick slap across Ion’s face is shown “Shut up! We’ll lose Phlynch, a very well-known and excellent person of the forums, without them the game will fall apart! REDO DO IT OR YOU’RE FIRED!”
Well you know, I expected more people to be upset about being given half-eaten armor.
But apparently I’m the only leather wearer in the world who doesn’t want to look like vomit.
Hmm I must be crazy then as that’s my favourite part of the set, if that thing twitches or moves I will lose it!
Leave it to an elf to pout about fashion on an undead faction/covenant! lol
I’m so glad everyone is supporting this ugly yet great creation.
I mean, it makes sense in the theme of Maldraxxus, The closest thing to leather would be stitched flesh. I think it looks cool and it really flexes the art team’s muscles.
Venthyr covenant is for people with your likes. Join them or else. People who like the original Undead faction from Warcraft 3 and know and care about the lore will have no problem and will love the theme of that set…
A spy/agile abomination/undead, that is something that exist in the game:
But I may be wrong, show us something that exist between the undead/necromancer ranks that would be a better option :
As you can see there, only ghouls and ghost filled the function of “agile melee unit” and “spy”.
So… yes, we could have another set that looks like plate, but the leather one is perfectly and objectively justified taking into account that is another undead faction.
Fun Science fact! The Maldraxxus Covenant is not the undead faction from WC3.
A little different in WoW. You get the name of “Lich King” by wearing the Helm of Domination.
Well that’s what you want because you like that style. Sorry to tell you, but your complaints that the set “doesn’t fit” is completely untrue.
Fun science fact! The Necrolords are actually where the scourge draws their powers from!
Don’t u like ur monster Pjs?
Is a WoW expansion. Fun Science fact! Blizzard loves to recycle <3
Is a undead faction, like all others which are supposedly based of the Necrolords, they use that kind of stuff.
WC3 undead faction = Armies of the Lich King = They used stuff that originate in the Necrolords = you saying?
That’s why I said:
Transmog exists bro. You need to calm down…
Which ones the leather one? They all look like vomit…
The one that looks dramatically different from the other three.
Um hello? Raid set? Don’t look good on a cow though.
Has the Abomination arm on the shoulder.