[Malaysia] Wow launcher cant get connected,

They are like “why tf should I care about you guys. It’s midnight here and we need to sleep”.

Except this forum i cant get into any elsewhere.

10 hours no update on a p1 issue now.
after 10 years your service never improved. gg bliz. never change.

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At this rate, we’ll not be able to log on till next week :tired_face:

It’s fcking joke. I pay for WOW, for diablo, starcraft, overwatch, hearthstone and HOTS. None of those I can play today and no fcking support or even at least an announcement. Im running out of patience for this poor tech team.

did a ping plot to the us.actual.battle net address. signal went to IANA in LA then stopped.

were you guys purposely blocking all signal from these several countries to block the DDos?

Apparently. They will unblock us after the ddos turn downto silence.

A tweet they made last night said some people will have connection issues until today when server maintainance happens. I dont know if this will happen or when but i hope this fixes is.

We have no access to any of the battle.net games or services.

Seems to me like they blocked some ISPs or IP ranges from where the bots that were doing the DDoS were coming from.

can i get a refund at the very least for my 3 month sub in that case? seeing as i play mostly during weekend and if ur blacking us flat out during these time.

Im guessing they will unblock the ips when the attack is over, but, when is this? It could be today in a few hours, or days or weeks. There was one time they ddos’d against playstation network and it
went on for a whole week

they should at the very least inform us instead of making us wait like idiots the whole time.

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Im not gonna asking for refund since i love this game while the ddos happened is because of Tech team’s poor mitigation actions. It’s unfair to game dev team if i ask for refund.

But may ask for game time addition for the time being denied from game service.

Yes. That’s my point of telling them unprofessional

so what vpn are u guys using to logon to oceanic server?

using mobile hotspot did it for me…tm still cannot connects

Im using my mobile phone which already log in and remember this forum link.

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Yea, cell connections work fine, but this is obviously not a solution unless you want a poor gaming experience and insane data rates

Cant login from Mexico with Totalplay ISP

Cant login from Mexico using Totalplay ISP

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Guys in Malaysia… use your VPN’s to play if you really looking to get your fix… the bloody service had been atrocious for the last few days anyways for us when we play due to humongous latency… i ve been on my VPN service all day and its been stable and hilariously less laggy then using my line without it…

Locale: Johor
ISP: Unifi

Maintenance is over, still cant login. locked out of wow, ow, starcraft 2, diablo 3. Whats the point in paying these greedy f*cks?