Maladath Au (PVP) is dead

Can Blizzard just close Maladath and give out free transfers to Nightslayer because the only way I see the pop going up is on new phases


Or preferably, remove Australia from US regional servers.



I mean, you guys live in the middle of nowhere. Ever seen other games where AU has their own servers? In CS2, most of yall know each other by name.

Count your stars that you’re attached to US regional and actually have any population at all.

Australia has fallen.


Honestly it’s not a shock. AU servers never last but they keep making them. A shame that they went with an AU instead of an RPPVP server that might have worked.


Most MMOs don’t have Australia for a reason. We just don’t have the population to sustain it super successfully, especially in a niche sub-section of WoW.

Mandath will be fine. Australians are just more likely to have actual lives than you Americans so a lot still leveling.


You hurt me with these words; not everyone is a complainer down under.

Think about the benefits a moment, night time is staffed and this allows the Americans on GY schedules to get some action in.

The truth is Aus servers always fail because its allowed to play in other more populated regions.

Sure, but if they were separate regions/subs, there’d be no question about server transfers. Play on US region servers if you want. Play on AUS servers if you want.

I’m not a fan of transfers at all, tbh, so there’s that. If there was a vote to completely remove all transfers, even HC death transfers, I would select to remove them…

Well sure. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Australians playing on US servers (except the horrible lag sometimes in ranked arenas), but I do think it should be obvious that this region is the US region.


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Yeah the latency stinks both ways, this is a big turn off for me and why I am not keen on how the existing system is set up.

The only way to fix it is region locking, there will be those using data centers to circumvent but the lag would then be one sided and that is fine.

This last point is spot on the reason why Australian servers will fail. Giving transfer options to US has cost Australian servers every time. If OCE was its own region like EU, Maladath would be 3x as populated right now.


I think they should open up Singapore for regional servers, and that might be a lot better. There may be some laws in Korea and China that make having those countries separated as their own regions, but I don’t think this would be the case in Singapore, and it’s a great centralized location for many who may not reside in close enough proximity to North American, South American, or European based servers.

People should be able to choose to play on servers they want to play on, in my opinion. If they prefer the tradeoff of latency for other things, that’s an individual choice.



Yup, its the kids looking to get groups 2 minutes faster that destroy the servers every time. Aus realms were destroyed by transfers and this time by re-rolls going to NA. Simply region locking the game solves a lot if problems for population and makes those of us who enjoyed battlegrounds a superior experience.

Best of luck getting blizzard doing the right thing, they’re greedy and enable this bad behaviour so they can close Aus servers to save the cost.


As an OCE player who can only play irregular hours, being forced to play OCE during graveyard shift hours pretty much guarantees that I’ll never do any group content.

I prefer the close-knit server community, but having the server that never sleeps is good for different reasons. The difference between living in a country town versus a city.

To people saying OCE servers have insufficient population to survive, uh, WotLK classic was doing very well for itself right up to the release of SoD. Queues as DPS rarely exceeded 10 minutes and the community was regular enough that I got to recognize people - something the dungeon finder supposedly “destroys.”

OCE-locked servers do have enough people to sustain them.

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Need transfer to Nightslayer, have nothing to do except mining.

They should really just pair OCE with the Asian servers. Yeah there may be a language barrier, but the connection will work.


School holidays dude

When blizzard first tried to merge oceanic swamp of sorrows (som) i tried to stop them they ignored the posts and killed the server and caused every oceanic player to lose trust in the region.

They then tried to do it again on shadowstrike (sod) i once again tried to stop them they halted the transfers for brief time and then opened them killing the oceanic server for a 2nd time.

No doubt they will do once again do this with maladath however the trust in blizzard and the permanent damaged they’ve caused to the oceanic region means that oceanic players see no point in playing on there own servers because blizzard will inevitably kill them.

If they had listen from the beginning and only had 1 oceanic server and ensured workable solutions for our region and showed people that they wanted to see oceanic thrive all of this would of been avoided.

Now the smaller playerbase of the oceanic region is so far divided between oce/na that its almost impossible for a oceanic server to continue and thrive.

Well done blizzard for killing an entire region.


Not sure what you mean by this. My point is more Australians will be on holiday, spending time with family etc at this time of year rather than no lifing wow. Therefore, I would expect a dip in pop.