Maladath Au (PVP) is dead

Well first what does Oceanic entail exactly? Australia and New Zealand? What about Singapore (English speaking), Hong Kong (English is fairly common) and others?

Without giving an AI generated technical answer, Oceania is basically Aus, NZ, and the Pacific islands.

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Why not just say Oceanic is any English speaking country in the eastern hemisphere

Suddenly oceanic has millions of more people to draw upon

Well, it wouldnā€™t be accurate to call that ā€œOceaniaā€ anymore but I see your point.

Unfortunately, Asia has different WoW clients from NA. So even if they implemented that conceptual change, it probably wouldnā€™t impact player numbers.

So does NA, we have English, Spanish and French, but we all get on fine.


It can mix in some Asian places like Korea or Japan or PI. Mainly because even their local nationals may know some workable English. And for English speakers living abroad in the countries, well it jsut works.

Wow asian servers the Chinese really flows in the chat.

Its a shame AU players canā€™t use a third party program to simulate playing on closer servers the way they can in ffxiv

Youā€™ve not seen the fun times of mandarin, cantonese mixed Iā€™d gather.

I once had to teach a merit badge to a student. Scout spoke cantonese. Mom spoke mandarin. MY assistance from taiwan spoke mandarin.

My English to his mandarin to mom, mom cantonese conversion to scout. and back again for replies. I actually found that cool as hell actually.

Spanish and french has the same latin/greek base to work from. that can help.


Thatā€™s wild, yes Spanish and French are romantic languages and English is a latin / Greek ā€œseasonedā€ Germanic language with what I have often been curious about grammar structures, I need to dig into the history on that part. Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands and Norway also germanicā€¦ Interestingltsome bits of Netherlands have dialectics that are both traditional and still used (dieing off) who are very easy for English speakers to learn, Norwegian is also very similar in many ways.

I tried to learn Slavic languages, but that is a whole new thing, almost feels like Greek, speaking of Greek, dont do that unless you want to create a goof grammar situation in your life, unless you are and I suspect a linguistical god, because those SE Asian languages are wow, where do you even start?

Au servers are useless and always have been. From Sydney I have 176 ms right now for US servers and zero problems with anything ever. Just play a caster if you want to pvp.

Ok Iā€™ll admit sometimes US rogue players get some pretty gnarly gouges on me but it beats playing on dead servers.

From WA I get 250ms, and looting is horribly laggy (one item per second).

And OCE doesnā€™t need to be dead. WotLK classic was thriving right up until SoD.

Ok fair enough. Sorry I have Sydney brain.

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Iā€™m gonna go out on a limb and say both of us have much better understanding of those languages, than OP does Chinese.

Open maladath so we can transfer our toons out those who want to stay can stay since its sooooo populated lmao

already unsubbed, why play on a dead server

Maladath xfer to Nightslayer