[Mal’Ganis] <Kismet> 8/8M MULTI-CE 2 day! Tue/Thur 8pm-11pm EST LF DPS!

Come kill mythic bosses with us. It will be fun!

Got sire to 13% Lets gooo

UPDATE: Last week we achieved Cutting Edge in Castle Nathria. We are also no longer looking for Mages or Warlocks.
High priority on ranged:
Shadow Priest

Melee (1 spot):
Demon Hunter
Warrior (ability to play prot is a major plus)

New raid, new you! 10 new bosses, 100 more mechanics, including the rolling balls of doom, and 1 YES 1!!! raid team is right for you. Us :slight_smile:

2/10 M! Looking for a mage and some ranged dps to fill out our roster!

Let’s get in and kill some bosses. Just need a few more to round out the team.

A mage would be very nice :slight_smile:

Still looking for some more players to round out our roster!

Remnant down! We are 4/10! Looking for a WW Monk and a Healer!!

Lf a Healer, WW monk and Unholy DK!

Soulrender all the way dead looking for another heals and exceptional dps.

Painsmith is no longer a PAIN in our side! Looking for dps and a healer!

KT ded! Onto Sylvanas! Looking for ranged dps and a tank!

Working on Sylvanas progression, still looking for exceptional ranged dps and tank.

Working on P3 Sylvanas progression, still looking for exceptional ranged dps.

Sylvanas dies soon! Looking for good ranged dps and a tank!

Still in need of ranged dps and a tank!

Sylvanus is DEAD we are still looking for exceptional players to add to our team to build for 9.2 and beyond. We will be raiding still and re-clearing to keep our momentum going.

I am interested ! btag is Bohai#1790 if you want to talk ! im a 250ilvl guardian druid with 8/10m exp Bahnanno @ Zul’jin (US) (raider.io)

Ding dong the witch is dead! We are Lf exceptional players for reclears and new raids!