[Mal’Ganis] <Kismet> 8/8M MULTI-CE 2 day! Tue/Thur 8pm-11pm EST LF DPS!

Still in need of a Disc Priest and Ranged dps.

Sludgefist 8% hyyyppe!

We are still looking for a few recruits.

We are Open to lots of classes!

Still looking for more raiders! LET’S GOO

More shields, more dps!

Still looking for a few people to round out the team

Immediate raid spots open for ranged dps!

Warlocks welcome, PI is waiting for ya :smiley:

Come help us get CE together!

We need more friends

Will provide PI to Aff-locks, if you provide the cookies.

Still looking for ranged dps :slight_smile:

Always looking for more!

Looking for more ranged dps to round out our roster!

We killed sludge where y’all at?

Looking for more RDPS to round out the team

We still need a few exceptional RDPS to round out our roster.

So close to CE…Still could use more RDPS

Working on Sire, looking for some more ranged dps!