[Mal’Ganis] <Kismet> 8/8M MULTI-CE 2 day! Tue/Thur 8pm-11pm EST LF DPS!

Hey, I’m a 2478 Resto Shaman looking to join a real mythic raiding roster. Happy to roll mistweaver monk for 9.2 as well. Are y’all doing any guild trials for healers?

Discord: saharsh#2735 Bnet: saharsh#1996

We are still recruiting players for our roster for reclears and building for 9.2. We are looking for ranged dps and a BRM tank.

Still looking for Recruits to join our ranks need ranged and BRM tank.

Still looking for recruits to join our ranks for re-clears and building our team for 9.2. We are looking for Ranged dps and Brewmaster tank.

We are still recruiting for 9.2 and beyond. We will be doing recruit trials during re-clears. We are looking for exceptional ranged dps with a focus on boomkins. We are also looking for a Brewmaster Monk.

LF Ranged dps to round out our roster!

LF some new players for the new tier!

experienced CE mw/ww, interested

LF ranged dps for new tier!

Hit us with the apps! Still looking :smiley:

Looking for more ranged dps to round out our roster!

Still on the hunt for ranged DPS!

Recruiting DPS!

Lf big pumpers for mythic prog!!

2/11 Mythic down, looking for dps to round out our roster!

4/11 Mythic down! Looking for ranged dps, resto druid/holy pally and a dps demon hunter!

Looking for ranged dps!

Still looking for more ranged dps

ISO ranged deeps!

We’re looking for ranged dps!