[Mal’Ganis] <Kismet> 8/8M MULTI-CE 2 day! Tue/Thur 8pm-11pm EST LF DPS!

Come join the fun friends!

LF DPS DK, Ranged DPS and Heals! Resto Druid, Resto Shaman or Holy Pally!

We are still looking for a DPS DK, Ranged DPS and Heals! Resto Druid, Resto Shaman or Holy Pally!

Looking for Ranged dps, a DPS Death Knight and another healer!

We are recruiting everything! Come join us on Anduin!

The boy king is going down soon! Come join us!

We are recruiting dps and heals for immediate raid spots!

Recruiting dps and heals for immediate raid spots!

We are LF DPS and Heals!

Recruiting DPS and heals!

We’re looking for raiders! Please just send me a DM if you’re interested!

LF Raiders looking to push the rest of this tier and S4!

We are Lf raiders for the rest of this tier, S4 and Dragonflight!

Lf raiders for the rest of this tier, S4 and Dragonflight!

271 Mage with 9/10 M CN, 9/10 M SOD interested in joining

279 Hunter LF Guild 6/10 M SoD 1/10 M CN >_>;

LFM for Jailer farm for mounts and M Fated!

We are looking for more DPS for Dragonflight!

Dragonflight awaits us! Looking for some good DPS players to help us push!

LF some more raiders to tackle Aberrus with us!