[Mal’Ganis] <Kismet> 8/8M MULTI-CE 2 day! Tue/Thur 8pm-11pm EST LF DPS!

We need more friends!

We are still looking for dps!

Searching for DPS!

Lf more dps!

Are you guys still searching for DPS? depending on the role, im sure i could potentially fill a gap.

Come get CE with us!

Looking for dps!

We are LF Dps and Heals for re-clears and next tier!

Still looking for DPS and healers!

We are looking for dps and heal friends for the new tier!

LF DPS to finish out the tier strong!

We are LF a few more DPS to finish out the tier strong!

Lf a healer!

Looking for more people for Fyrakk and onward!

CE Achieved! LF more raiders for S4 shenanigans.

“Hooting” around in S4, wanna join?

LF a couple new raiders to round out our Undermine roster!