[Mal’Ganis] <Kismet> 8/8M MULTI-CE 2 day! Tue/Thur 8pm-11pm EST LF DPS!

Hunting for ranged dps!

Lf big pumpers for mythic prog!

2/11 Mythic down, looking for dps to round out our roster!!

4/11 Mythic down! Looking for ranged dps, resto druid/holy pally and a demon hunter!

Looking for ranged!

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Still in search of ranged dps

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We’re ISO ranged dps!

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Looking for ranged dps!

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LF ranged dps and heals!

Still looking for ranged dps and healers

We are looking for ranged dps and heals!

LF more dps and heals!

New week, new bosses to kill, come join us!

We would love a hunter! Also looking for other dps and heals!

Looking for DPS and Holy pally

LF a dps DK!

Crab boss dying soon! Need another dps DK and a healer for Andy!

We are lf a healer and dps dk!

LF dps DK and Heals

Looking for a DPS Death Knight and Heals! Open to Resto Druid, Holy Pally or Resto Shammy!