i haven’t ignored anything, im just completly against making it flex. i dont care that its later in the season. i dont care that its after race to world first. i dont care that its after hof. none of that matters to the point that i dont want flexible raids because it will take away from mythic raiding at its core. if you want to raid mythic then join a mythic raid guild that is willing to put in the work. your guild can even pug the first four with relative ease right now. there are options other than making it flex
So what would you have against making a separate mode without the achieve and possibly less loot? I’m just surprised anyone would be so concerned about some feeling of exclusivity that they would go out of their way to make sure other people can’t enjoy similar content because of something so arbitrary of how many of their friends can be online at a set time.
I raid with rl friends… I’m never moving to another guild, and I’m not alone in this.
seems like alot of dev work that can be routed somewhere else like making delves better.
So now your delves, which are fluff content at best to a mythic raider, matter more than what you consider to be the holy grail of the game being accessible to other people?
You don’t want to do flex mythic? Don’t do flex mythic. I don’t like pvp so I don’t do pvp, doesn’t mean I want it gone from the game. Not wanting more content for people just because it doesn’t suit you is kind of a wild take. The points in favor of flex mythic have been very reasonable here, protecting the sweats early season while giving more access to casuals later season. As Flamekraft has said, can even gate cutting edge and mount drops behind the non-flex version, idgaf. People just want something to do, and you saying no because it’s not something you’d want to do is kind of bs.
let me fundamentally change what you enjoy and then lets talk. mythic raid should remain mythic raid. its designed to be challenge for a group people to progress on and 20 people who are serious about pushing the content are not that hard to find if you really want to push mythic. as for right now they can literally pug to fill there raid if they really want to do mythic.
This seems to be where the continued disconnect is. No one is changing anything. 20-man mythic raiding is still there. It’s not changing. It’s not going anywhere. You can continue to do it to your heart’s content. What’s being asked for here is in addition to that they eventually open a flex option. You can keep doing the part you enjoy most, no one wants to take that away from you. This is all additive.
I think even just having minimum 18, maximum 20 would be a huge improvement. Then if 1 person is sick or someone didn’t put in their 2 week notice then it’s nbd. But recruiting up to 20, then having bench slots just in case is kinda lame.
yes, obviously. if sitting 3 people makes getting the first kill easier, that’s what will happen.
you can do this now. there’s nothing preventing you from pulling and killing a mythic raid boss with fewer than 20 players.
Well that’s more than a little tone deaf. If mythic raid prog could be easily accomplished with 15% less damage then race to world first would be done within an hour of a new season’s launch. There’s everything stopping this, because DPS checks as designed aren’t feasible when team attendance drops. The scenario I described needs a system rework to be enabled, such as with minor scaling of the boss’s health or the enrage timers.
Every mythic raid thread.
Mythic raiding isn’t going anywhere lol. People are so passive aggressive about this kind of stuff🤣
Balance is literally the reason they got rid of 25 and 10 man raiding, how do you not get that 5 expansions later?
Then get better. Period. You can clear mythic raid on 2 nights or less a week.
My guild is almost 6/8 and we raid six hours out of the week.
You want to pursue mythic? Get better.
You have 3 alternative modes, 4 if you count the end boss story mode.
If you cant do mythic you cant do mythic. Creating a “Mythic-” isnt going to help you because even if that existed you would still be here whining.
The majority of the wipes on mythic are not a dps issue. Its a skill issue. Its a "Lets take 80 pulls to not die to this mechanic because johnny, bill, and jimmy over there keep getting hit by the same thing all night every single pull, which then cascades because that mechanic causes an aoe to go off.
Because you’re casual, you don’t replace those players, might talk to those players, but otherwise you keep going against the wall until the roster boss beats you.
rwf is 10-30 pulls of them figuring the boss out, and 40-200 pulls of them executing the boss mechanics correctly while coming up with the 15-25% damage they don’t have from doing the raid better than you while being 10+ ilvls lower than you and, in this raid, not having a now 14% increase in damage and healing.
Most bosses require more personal player ability than DPS/HPS or the RWF people wouldnt be clearing it with 10 or more ilvls lower than everyone else. Very few times is dps ever an issue in general, especially for the casual players. Now, if your whole raid is gray parsing and you cant hit the 70-40-10 dps check on princess, thats a personal skill issue, and there isn’t a boss like that in every tier, but in the ones that are, the mechanics in that fight are what the wall is, and not the dps in general.
If they want the kills, get better and get the kills. Be more sociable and have a 20 man roster.
Absolutely all the judgement to a player that, instead of getting better, wants the game to be dumbed down for them. If that was the case, where does it end?
It is already laughable that, for example, casuals found it too hard to assign 4 people out of an up to thirty five man raid to do silken court webs, so blizzard removed one of the web groups and made it functionally no different than the normal version of the fight.
because they don’t care about competition, they just want to get the kills. no judgement here, it’s just a different approach to the raid.
Mythic Smolderon would’ve been a much, much easier boss with fewer than 20 players if it scaled down accordingly.
Mythic Smolderon also would’ve been Tindral levels of difficulty if you did that fight with 30 players if it scaled up correctly.
There is, in fact, quite a lot wrong with that. Flex does not work for challenging content.
For all the “get better” rhetoric constantly repeated in your post, you missed the entire point. OP and Flamekraft are not complaining about the difficulty or that the mechanics are too hard and need to be dumbed down. The complaint is around the strict 20-man requirement and lack of flex. We’re not asking for an easier raid, just a flexible one. And if cutting edge, mount drops, top ilvl gear, and other rewards are only available in the strict 20-man so the tuning can still be just perfect and you sweats can feel good about the exclusivity of your achievs, and flex mythic only drops in the back half of the season, that’s fine. We just want to progress on killing more bosses without having to stick to a 20-man so we can keep it to an irl friend guild. I swear I’ve never seen such pearl clutching, especially for something that would have no impact on you.
They should take a hammer to the whole system and go back to 1 raid difficulty or maybe normal with optional hard modes. Let players make their own difficulty like they do in classic.
The amount of damage having 4 tiers of ilevel does to the game is outrageous. They have lost lots of players who get burned out having to chase a treadmill every patch.
If you take a break in retail wow and come back all of your gear is as invalid as if you skipped an expansion entirely. All of this is due to having so many tiers of ilevel each raid cycle.
Maybe then we could get gear we actually remember and think is cool instead of getting spammed with it like this is Diablo.
Wow is not a hard-core game and was successful over its peers precisely because it was not hard-core. Frankly the amount of developer attention and organizing the game around mythic raiding is negligence on the part of Ion.
but it’s inevitable that a single “flexible” raid will be different difficulty at 15 players vs 20 players vs 24 players. so one of those will end up being an easier raid, even though that’s not what you say you want.
Thats kind of the point you’re missing. Without adhering to a strict roster size the tuning is pretty much impossible.
We tried smaller but equal in Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria. All of the raids, despite being tuned for similar item levels and having similar mechanics meant that some things were just easier depending on roster size. No amount of tuning can fix that. Players have eben kindly shown you how Mythic Smolderon (a very recent encounter) would be tremendously easier with a smaller group size. The static 20 man roster is locked in, and shouldn’t change.
That being said there are a lot of other things that can be done to make mythic raids more accessible. A lockout similar to how Heroic and below raids work, would be a tremendous boon.
Quicker tuning (Or just not tuning for RFW) so that fights become more manageable and aren’t as difficult when RFW groups do it.
Changing the design of encounters to be less reliant on WeakAuras. Fights that look more like Ansurek and Painsmith. Less fights like Broodtwister.
There are a lot of things that can be done, but the static player requirement shouldn’t be one of them.