Making Mythic Raids Accessible to the Casual Player Without Breaking the Competitive Scene

As a casual raider, I’d really like to get into mythic raids more during the season. I have always wanted one more tier of difficulty to progress on with the guild group to extend the raid. However, that mandatory 20 player needed restriction has always made this difficult to accomplish.

The same thing seems to happen every season in wow with the guild raid group. We have a lot of fun with the new season. We crash through normal to learn the fights, slowly progress through heroic, shout and cheer on the challenge of the last boss, celebrate on getting the kill… and then that’s it. The season is over. People lose interest in playing wow, drop their subscription, go play other games, etc. There’s an attempt to keep going for a little longer, but really people just lost interest as there is nothing left to progress on.

There have been attempts to continue the season with mythic raiding but we always have the same administrative barrier of maintaining a solid 20 player count, where we lose more time dealing with that issue than actually enjoying the content. We either have too few players and need to recruit or pug (which nobody looks forward to managing), or worse we have too many and we have to ask players to sit out on bench for the night (which is demoralizing).

Removing that 20 player restriction from mythic raiding could have the following benefits: 1) open up new content to the player base using existing resources; 2) extend the season’s content as there is another tier of raid to work on. The idea could be applied to new raids moving forward (having existing raids scale could wait for a future update). The raids could be designed ahead of time with this idea in mind to make the transition easier.

It’s just then a question of how this can be accomplished without breaking the existing competitive raid scene.

Here are three options on how I think this goal could be accomplished. One is not better than the other, more just thought experiments.

  1. Delayed Release of Casual Content
    At a certain point during a season (0.5 or 0.7 patch, or after AOTC), after the race to world first is well over and finished, after the halls of fame have been filled, mythic raid could swap to adjusting to group size, similar to how normal and heroic raids work.

  2. Rated vs Unrated
    Separate mythic raiding into Rated content (world first, hall of fame, 20 players needed, etc) vs Unrated (adjustable raid size, meant for casual groups). Could do a similar delayed release and wait until race to world first is over.

  3. Make it the Default
    Just make mythic raids by default scale to group size and let the current raid tuning / class balance determine the difficulty for the raid.


you cant make mythic raid scale and keep its difficulty level even throughout all the scales. what you would create is another problem where guilds target certain size raids for certain fights because it makes it easier to do so.


There’s nothing wrong with that if you just open it up later in the season like they used to do with cross-realm Mythic.


you are just exchanging problems. not making it better.


One thing I think they could do is not lock you to bosses the way they do where once you kill a boss on mythic you are locked to that entire dungeon.

That seems arbitrary and pointless just lock people out of the bosses theyve already done like Heroic and Normal works and at least then grabbing pugs would be easier and an option as you wouldnt have to worry about getting locked to some group that could only get one boss down or you cant get anyone to join because youre 3 bosses in and nobody wants to be locked out of those bosses for the week.


I’m not sure what this perceived ‘problem’ is… are you really that worried about the exclusivity of who can complete a mythic raid deep into a season?
Or are you suggesting that groups that can do it with 20 people would suddenly only be willing to run at (arbitrary number) raid size of 13, so 7 people would now be excluded?

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im saying you cant keep up the raid difficulty with a flexible tuning. it will break mythic raid.

oh 100% this would happen without a doubt if it was progression and dropping down would make the fight easier.

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Your definition of broken is subjective. Early in the season I agree with you… late in the season I do not.

That’s ok. Mythic raid is not some holy grail any more. The point is they have a choice, whether it’s perfectly tuned or not. Right now there is no choice and it’s extremely rare that our guild even gets to attempt mythic because we need flex.

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I vote we change nothing and let mythic raiding collapse under its own weight.


sure it is mythic raid is still top of pve content, m+ is also popular for other reasons i think overall people would agree that the race to world first is their largest event for wow.

there is no problem with this in my eye. mythic shouldnt be an easily accessible and easily defeated mode.

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You’re losing context here… RTWF is still protected because you open up flex later in the season. It’s no longer the holy grail because you can get the same gear by running +10 dungeons… so… it’s ok to be inclusive after the sweats have gotten theirs.

We’re not talking about mailing loots… we’re still talking about guilds having to beat the mythic raid. I’m just saying the balancing doesn’t have to be 100% perfect, they’ll get it close.


no you cant. often times there is bis gear in mythic raid. and in +10 you can only get one piece per week while in raid you have a much higher chance assuming of course you have the skill to clear it.

at a potentially significant easier way of doing it. since you cant balance around a flexible raid very well.

they have literally proven that they suck at this. even in heroic they have screwed it up time and time gain making it either quite a bit harder or easier with smaller groups.

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Buddy… late in the season you already have had lots of vaults, this is a non issue. It’s clear you’re not trying to see anything from my point of view and your goal here is just to exclude people from content. There’s nothing left to say to you.


quite frankly yes i want mythic raid to be a challenge and not take away form all the effort i put in to it. it should be exclusive and difficult to do otherwise what’s the point of mythic raid? just turn it into another joke raid like heroic is.

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You just keep arguing points that have to do with making it easier (possibly) at the start of the season. So it’s clear you’re talking but not listening.

I’m even open to making a separate mythic flex raid with less drops and no cutting edge achieve… I don’t care. I just want a raid to pursue after we get AOTC.

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your talking about making mythic raid significantly easier by lower group numbers because you dont want people to feel excluded from content. im saying it shouldn’t be an issue to be excluded from content if you cant meet those basic standards. not all content is for everyone and thats ok in my book.

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then join a mythic guild

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Now you’re really just being a contrarian with no agenda other than to troll.


im arguing to opposite of what you want so yes i am a contrarian that doesnt mean my arguments are any less value. we are both arguing our point of views. you just dont like mine.

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An argument that ignores important points of the other side and just keeps banging the same drum is of no value. I have made efforts to take your thoughts into consideration and propose alternate solutions or variations. You have just folded your arms, frowned, and shaken your head.