Making everyone OP huh?

PvP is why balance matters. PvE is so brain dead easy that any balancing just for the sake of PvE would just be to appease players with low self esteem who garner their value from being at the top of a warcraft logs chart, while ignoring the other strengths of their whole class.

PvE is mindless. PvP is where balance matters

I get it
 but this is a new version of the game. Ideologies we have yet to experience in classic. So as long as they are on par now and continue to be each phase Hunters will be fine. Let’s not attempt to see the future

Raid dps is the only thing that matters for progression in this game. Only low iq midwits care about the pvp minigame which is just side content. PvP only exists to fill bars so stuff can be purchased from vendors. Once the bar is filled no one goes back to PvP. Rank 14 players stop pvping. People who are now exalted with WSG will never do another WSG. They both however will want to raid, every lockout.

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This game isnt just about pvp.

Pve balance is important as well.

And hunters fall off in group pvp at 40/50/60. (And pve).

But if you are so focused on pvp you would have known hunters are extreamly strong at low level pvp and its the level bracket that is currently proping hunters up. So essentially hunters have recived multiple nerfs based on what will be low level pvp in a few weeks. And those nerfs will effect lvl 40/50/60 where we already know hunters will fall off for both pvp and pve.

Also pets have counterplay. They can be CCed and they can be killed. So they really are not as op as the back peddling scrubs that cant find their CC abilities in their spell book and click it like to claim

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Im looking at historical evidence and known variables.

We know how base era hunters work. We also know blizzard gas a reack record of heavily nerfing hunters early in an expansion and leaving them to rot until the next expansion.

People who die to pets are just bad and shouldn’t pvp.

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So funny. PvP is griefing. Why do we have the /spit and /chicken emotes?

The real reason neither SoD nor era will ever be as good as Vanilla is because the Developer culture has turned toxic. This game used to be about ruining a noob’s day.

It still is, as long as you’re a bot, not a hunter, are a fury warrior, or an RMTer.

Yeah, the ground. The ultimate pvp boss.

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the reason classic is good is because its not hard. you can bring 15 fools to your 40 man raid and still succeed. PvP balance is of the utmost importance for the longevity of the game as that is infinite content.

you also have no idea what runes hunters will be getting at 40,50,60 so lets not pretend to know the future.

Based on the runes we got this phase, 80% of then will be trash and the last 20% will be nerfed into oblivion.

Rune of Beast Mastery - Casting Bestial Wrath kills and deletes your character, logs you out, bans you, and uninstalls WoW. A trojan is then installed on your computer, which cleans your bank account and steals all your passwords.

the past and the future do not exist, they only exist in your memory and imagination. Now is all we have.

To be fair, the PvP in that game is wacky and gives you an entire new set of skills balanced for it.

Rune of Trueshot Aura - Causes Trueshot Aura to cost 10 additional talent points. In addition, notifies all warriors in a 10-yard radius when Trueshot Aura is not active, who will then scream at you to press it. Not equipping this rune causes the same effect. Must be used at the same time as Aspect of the Lion.

We can learn lessons and patterns from the past to help us prepare and make predictions for the future.

For example if you live in an area with actual winters you can predict there will be snow around those winter months. Thats a very simple example of looking to the past to predict the future.

We have 20 years of past evidence to look at for how hunters will turn out for sod based on known information of era hunter, past trends of hunter being heavily nerfed early in an expansion and left to rot, and then the new expansion having hunters strong again, and then nerfed again, and repeat. Then lastly we see the begining of this cycle here in sod, hunters nerfed early, p2 will see hunter performance fall more, and will likely be trash by p3/4 with no buffs on the way.

Let’s narrow it down to just SoD then. Let’s use those statistics only, how have hunters compared to other damage wise in SoD?
Top 1-3 dps in all aspects of the game. Are you stating that they shouldn’t have been adjusted at all?

Hunters were good in all content at 60 in vanilla.

Hunters were good in all content at 60 in classic.

You’ve pretzel brained to say a lot of nothing.

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There were things that needed to be adjusted.

But they didn’t need to be GUTTED.

Scorpid posion needed a reduction in its overall damage and for it to properly stack instead of all of the rap scaling goin on the 1st stack. Instead they absolutely gutted it.

Explosive shot needed its base damage toned down (and maybe a slight scaling buff but never got to see it with gear) as most of its damage was base damage. Instead it got gutted and turned into an aoe ability. (And the most recent buff added about 3 damage per tick, so almost nothing.

Chimera shot wasnt even op at 125% weapon damage and still got nerfed to 85, now 100 and it is still weak, the most recent buff makes it do slightly more than one auto attack worth of damage because serpent sting has 0 scaling with rap or weapon damage

The bm rune just needed the hp component of its effect removed so pets were easier to kill.

The pet scaling should have hit pet hp before they touched damage

Kill command got gutted

Basically every other rune is either weak, entirely passive, or both.

But base hunter, which we can look at era for has always been extreamly strong at this level, our runes are not what is causing hunters to be in a good spot at this level range. Its the base class.

But for the purpose of looking toward the future, we see rogues and warrjors already outscaling hunter from before the nerfs. And the other melee as a whole are getting very close as well. (Sorry enhance shamans) casters as a whole have to really started to scale because there isnt much gear with a good amount of spellpower yet.

The reason to look at era is to look at how the base classes scale per level and gear ranges. Its a bad sign when warriors are already outscaling everyone at lvl 25, where they were the weakest. This isnt their base damages. This is their scaling showing.

Toward the end of naxx hunters were more so brought for trueshot for the warriors and trank shot. Not their dps. So you would have 2 hunters at most.

They’re deserved. The class is on auto pilot in all content. Barely feels interactive.