
At least I won’t be expected to be covenants I hate, and I’m certain I can find people to play with.

If you can find people that will take you with a garbage covenant if they aren’t switchable then you can find people to take you if they are. You don’t make any sense.

It just still wouldn’t feel right. There is no sense of team pride if we’re just going to be all of them.

Why should it be?

Yeah, I’m gonna be filled with pride when my chosen covenant is garbage into whatever the meta 3s comp is. You are totally right.

Your reasoning is just bad, dude.


I know right? so many game developers here who have been in charge of so many great games, like… like…
only thing I can say to this is " XD!!! "

I think they should allow people to change covenants, but when you do so, you start from renown 0, and all renown you had with your former covenant is lost. This allows you to change if the covenant is just absolutely something you cannot stand, but instills consequences for doing so, to keep people from just saying, “Yeah, I know I swore loyalty to you guys, and bound my soul to you and all, but this other group is 0.5% better for my mythic+ runs, so I’m going to join them for an hour. Be back soon!”

Sorry you won’t. I will though. I don’t even know how good night fae is for mages but I will be proud to join them as their aesthetic means something to me on a personal level.

You still have to choose which ability/piece of content to sacrifice if you change.

Maybe the disconnect is the fact that “meaningful” is subjective?

A single expansion system isn’t meaningful to me at all. A system with the aesthetics and lore tied to abilities isn’t meaningful, because I’d be dumb not to pick the best one for whatever content I do. (And I’m not even that good, I need all the help I can get!)

I could see that working out if the longer you stay with a covenant the more you could alter the class ability to make it useful in other situations than those it was designed for in it’s base form. Like for example with warlocks, making the Venthyr ability, which is AoE in nature, more single target focused. Or transforming the Necrolord one into something more useful in AoE, since it’s completely single target. I would actually kinda like that.

What I wouldn’t like is making the abilities even stronger in their initial purpose. I am not against being a “specialist” of sorts, but we already have that with classes and specs. Pushing my character into one particular direction to be a complete specialist in one thing only doesn’t sound fun to me. Specializing is fine, overspecializing is not,

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If that’s more important to you then just choose to stay with one.

That’s a pretty solid definition of meaningful choice

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And then be able to change at the end

I like this idea. I’d be totally fine with that.

I don’t think anyone wants to swap their covenants whenever they want. We just want the player power decoupled from the Covenants.

There’s already way more than enough inside Covenants to make them stand on their own. They do not need these abilities.


No. not with player power bound to them. What if they change something mid xpac and now the covenant you initially chose because it was the best for your class is now gimping you and keeping you from getting into any groups, thus keeping you from completing content.

if the perks of the covenants were cosmetic only, or only worked outside dungeon and raid content, then maybe i’d be okay with keeping it permanent. but thats still a big maybe.

Permanent, no… I’m actually OK with how they’ve set it up now.

But if they cater to the opposition then so be it.

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A player power system is something that requires flexibility at all times during a expac. It needs to be tuned and adjusted for each raid.

Blizzard should never ever ever ever ever attached it to a “meaningful choice” that was meant to be on a more permanant basis.

You’re going to be upset come … probably 9.3 lol

How about no

Agree with OP. Don’t even let us change it via a long quest… not even in 9.3… I’d lol all expac at the forums.