
I would go the whole xpac not choosing a covenant if it meant i am permanently locked to something that will get nerfed later on


Well it doesn’t seem like your silent majority wants to like your OP either.


Except you ARE the vocal minority…how ironic.

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Yep there is that big silent majority of millions of players that enjoy paying full price for a DLC and only getting to experience 25% of it.


I see Team Ripcord is finally making it’s way over to this thread to troll me because they’re sad no one is bumping their thread.

While I’m against easy covenant swapping as opposed to just freeing up the abilities, let’s face it.

The Silent Majority is whatever your unpopular opinion is.

I see team “MakeItPermanent” has yet to show itself.

This is the only reason you’re arguing all this.

While a lot of people are arguing because they care about the game, you insist on posting because you know it’s an easy way to get some attention you crave. You don’t actually care about the game, you just care about getting people riled up.

Posting dumb things on the internet have always yielded results. Most of us learned that when we were like 12.


Hes a Ralph alt.


How did this post get flagged?

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Well, some people see the flag feature as an alternative “dislike” button. Even though it isn’t, and it’s just wasting the moderators’ time.


So were you going to add anything of value to the discussion …or just more nothingburger posts?

Personally I’m against players bullying or “blackmailing” devs into changing the game for what they want. It’s very disrespectful and entitled. I welcome that they want covenants to be your identity, and that changing that identity on a whim 6-10x a day completely destroys any identity possible. But locking them to a covenant forever?
What if you find that the playstyle of the covenant’s ability or content to just be opposite of what you like after playing it for some time? Or the inevitable balancing that changes things drastically?
That’s just not fun in any capacity, it’s actually feels a bit punishing for making any choice based not on pure mathematics and pure logic min/maxing.


Theon with the unproven conspiracy theories, ladies and gentlemen.

Uh hello?

It was more of a joke, but conspiracy theory works too.

Well yeah I know that. But devs should read it first instead of hurting the players trust level.

Now that I think about it do they even still do that because I’ve been a member for at least the whole time I had an account yet I’m still very active today.

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Earlier this morning you were accusing every reddit post that was anti locked covenants of being made by the same people posting them on the GD…


He’s just a hypocrite. :man_shrugging:

I lost Trust Level 3 because I said to wear a mask. So yeah, they don’t always read posts.

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