“Make your character look like you “ Shadowlands

Precisely why Kul Tirans aren’t more popular! Wakka wakka wakka!!

Seriously though, I really wish the new customization options were made available in the next patch, I’ve been waiting for them in WoW since…ever.


Brb, penning a Kotaku article!


For some bizarre reason, all of the RPGs I’ve tried doesn’t offer options that match my real-life looks.

I mean, sure, they all provide the curly hair option on their female avatars — but it’s either always that moderately-wavy option (what a lady gets from curling her hair with her hairstyling tools), or the tiny-tight-curls that you see in black people (I didn’t bother using the correct terminology because I suspect they’d be filtered out).

And the curly hair always only come in black or dark brown color.

I’ve never found a game that allows me to make a female avatar with the “ringlet-style curls/springy curls” (type 3B) in gold-blonde color.

(I’m sure there’s at least one RPG out there which does provide this option. But I’ve yet to play this RPG. :woman_shrugging:t3: )

If WoW actually does this?

I’d be tripping out.

I’m myself every day. Why would I want to play as myself in a game that allows me to be someone else?


I need waist-length hair for my Blood Elf, please Blizz! And not in a plait.

To get a character to look like me…I’d need…

Well, my friends tell me I look like a strange mix between Hagrid and Nathan Explosion. I’ve been called “The Viking”. I’m irish, though, so red tinted beard and hair.

I feel like the options aren’t going to be there, but I may try to make something that looks like me at some point? Probably wouldn’t play it, though.

They already make short, fat people called dwarves. Im already all set :rofl:

What if I don’t identify as human though. :thinking:

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personally i’m still waiting for blizzard to release a beach ball race

Im a Blood Elf irl I look at myself constantly in the mirror.

flips hair and winks

You got it bb.

do bow ba dee dah?

pffft, If I wanted to look like myself in wow I’d make a Mag’har orc.

While I agree they should add the customization of thin KT humans, that’s just fun detected and sir you’re out of line.

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So… I will be able to have a long ginger beard and a bald head?
I don’t want my characters to look like me. I am in no way “heroic” looking in RL. In fact I look according to some people scary. Most of the time I have a scowl on my face and people think I am some sort of biker. Actually I am a pretty nice guy… unless you anger me. So no I do not want a character that looks like me.

well i dont need my giant, fat dad bod with bad jokes running around as my avatar.


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Lets see Pulls out list

Short? :ballot_box_with_check:
Hairy? :ballot_box_with_check:
Dark? :ballot_box_with_check:
Pink hair? :ballot_box_with_check:
Grizzly beard? :ballot_box_with_check:

Yup! Can confirm this is me IRL.



Lol I hear ya, yea man just looking for them to add the Thin Kultiran models

look like how i look in real life its EXACTLY WHAT I DONT WANT TO LOOK LIKE LOL

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39 languages. Honey there are 6,300 languages on the planet :nail_care:t2:

I’m less terrifying in real life than this Vampire Elf :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: