Make WoW creepy again

Honestly, if there’s one thing I think WoW has 100% lost from the earlier days, it’s the willingness to let scary things be unsettling. Of course, Vanilla was the king of this. C’Thun is in my opinion the most intimidating enemy in all of WoW’s history, just because his emotionless whispers and taunts were so incredibly unsettling, only to witness his form as a terrifying mass of teeth, flesh, tentacles, and eyeballs.

Naxxramas of course had Thaddius, who’s cries still unsettle me to the point of me rushing to kill him as quickly as possible. To a much lesser extent, The Corrupted Ashbringer’s whispers were also a neat little creepy thing.

There were also other general things, like the gnoll tents having faces on them, the hanged corpses in Deadwind Pass, and outside of the Scarlet Monastery. Not to mention the removed Karazhan Crypts, which was easily the darkest thing I’ve ever witnessed in WoW, while it was removed, the fact that they were considering it being added shows that they wanted the world to contain a lot of creepy things. Also, just about all of the Forsaken zones are rightfully creepy.

Of course, Vanilla wasn’t the only source of creepiness. Yogg-Saron in Wrath was incredibly unsettling, his whispers didn’t hit quite as hard as C’Thun’s did, but it was still creepy, and his design was gloriously unsettling. Besides this, I suppose things like Rotface and Festergut were unsettling, just not to the same level, because I was too focused on the fact that Professor Putricide was an undead reference to Professor Farnsworth from Futurama.

The main thing that comes to mind besides that, End Time was definitely nice, dark, and creepy. Y’Shaarj is somewhat creepy, but not to the extent of the other two old gods. The barbershop in Stormwind has a creepy little easter egg.

I’m naturally missing some things here and there, but the point is, it feels like there simply aren’t that many things designed to creepy the player out. Not a lot seems to be even slightly unsettling. I mean, look at N’Zoth, his look doesn’t even come close to the other three old gods we’ve seen, and his voice is simply not creepy in the slightest.

Besides just the old gods, you don’t see things like the outside of the Scarlet Monastery, Thaddius, or the gnoll tents anymore. There’s nothing in the game that really makes me creeped out. Things like Maldraxxus and Revendreth, which are designed around the idea of being dark, spooky, and death centered, are just not that creepy or unsettling to me.

When you see the Hellfire Peninsula’s road of bones, it’s unsettling because you don’t expect it. It’s an immediate rush of darkness out of the blue. The entirety of Tirisfal is creepy, but the hanging corpses is just a new level of an unsettling fate, and a display of what happens to those who don’t follow the Crusade’s rules. The gnoll tents are in the otherwise bright areas such as Westfall and Elwynn, making it shocking when you notice this.

Things like this don’t really happen in WoW anymore, and I think they should, it really adds a different level to the game when it’s allowed to be unsettling.


Moon Guard is a thing already.


How original




Legion was the last expansion with morbid imagery. BFA had potential to be filled to the brim with horror and “creepy” stuff, but it ended up being a little more… goofy? Idk maybe thats just because I associate that whole expansion with freaking Magni screaming THE WOONS CHAMPION THE WOOOOONSSS.

I too would like to see some more serious themes return to the game.


Drustvar had cool creepy vibes.


If you want creepy? Go to Goldshire on Moonguard. You will be driven mad and stab your eyes out.


Enough with the creepy already, they tried to make another creepy zone (the maw) and most people hated it. I am too old to handle the creeping, please stop it or I’ll throw up like I did in that dreadful river of souls in the maw. I’m here for beautiful places, dignified deaths, honorable war, and fun/relaxation. I do not want more creepy or disgusting in the game, there’s classic for that.


The OP isn’t talking about stuff like the maw. The OP is talking about subtle stuff like said above. Stuff you won’t notice right away at all but when you do you will remember it. Little easter eggs like that which make the game feel a little bit bigger. Like there is always some little detail to discover.


We normal RPers avoid The Quarantine Zone, only visiting with TRP3 on as if it were a trip to the zoo.


I do love depth and interesting easter eggs. However, I don’t want disturbing/creepy things everywhere. They do not need to be encouraged to make more creepy things, especially for the sake of the game being creepier alone.

The gnoll human-tent did not disturb me, as we use their skin for things, it’s a natural ongoing of war to depersonalize your enemies and mistreat them. It wasn’t pleasant, I didn’t like seeing it, and I wouldn’t mind if they chose less ugly easter eggs, but at least it is useful because it makes us confront our practices (skinning).

But the things like end time, n’zoth’s gross schemes and rooms, tentacles coming out of puss and spewing vile things for no reason, it’s just disgusting. There’s no point, it’s unpleasant to see, and I don’t like it. I don’t want to feel disgusted playing a game, especially if disgusting images are as overused as they were in moldraxxus with no real substance. The gore is not interesting on its own, and if it’s going to disgust me, there better be a good reason.

Maw and Torghast are Creepy.

Maldraxxus Dungeons: Plaguefall and Theater of Pain are Creepy.

Overtuned Karazhan is creepy. ROFL.

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A cartoony game won’t ever live to the expectation of creepy.

Maybe if they do things like that Azshara warbringer video and force you to see it in-game.

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In what world is a darker shade of Desolace creepy?


One of the creepiest and most touching things I’ve found in wow was the Unna pet quest line.


I thought Drustvar captured it pretty well, really liked that zone.


Excuse me?

What the hell is that?

We don’t do the extreme roleplaying that those in the Quarantine Zone do. We just do the normal stories of derring-do.

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Honestly.I think the game has enough spiders to be creepy every patch and every expansion has them ,egh.

That joke was literally the first comment in this thread. Don’t people read the first few posts before responding?

And you’re not wrong, lol