Make WoW creepy again

I’m all for a darker wow.

I grew up with Warcraft rts and loved those hand drawn scenes in the game books. They are brutal

More original Warcraft and less Disney please


People can’t handle creepy.

For reals though, you trying to unload costumes you stocked up on? Trying to get the Halloween vibes going in…September. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I like creepy, a lot. I loved Duskwood, although pretty subtle creepy wise, it was great. Drustvar really got me, loved the whole area, that little girl singing her song, the witches, loved that vibe. I thought the Maw was pretty creepy too, I just hated walking everywhere, lol.
Maldraxxus, while gross, wasn’t very creepy to me. I mean it was in a gross, corpse and puss kind of way, but not the way I like.

That said, I wish we’d get more mounts and mogs that were creepy, or weird, kind of like the Shackled Ur’zul(which I still don’t have yet).
I don’t need a full creepy zone every expansion, but I don’t mind if there is, love creepy. :smiley:


I think how the Maw failed to be creepy and nightmarish, is how dull and empty it was. Other than being completely alone, there really wasn’t a scary vibe. Not like that town where everyone walks around with torches…surrounded by spiders. What’s the name? lol


Drustvar was definitely creepy… especially Abbey Lewis…

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Old Gods are just baby’s first Lovecraftian horror.


Duskwood maybe?

Honestly the torch carrying and spiders are used in a lot of zones. I think even Elwynn Forest has a cave that uses that.

I don’t think the creepy atmosphere is often achieved in more than a Tim Burton kind of way. Although it could be set with music from drustvar, a ton of OSL and using real dark not the normal night sky box. Than have OSL worgen eyes appearing and disappearing in the dark.


Like the satanic children in the inn… or under old karazhan… or just straight up horrific zones like the plaguelands. Even scholomance lore is bloody and a horror story about blood torture and gore and necromancy. Vanilla WoW had legit M rated content. It was stuff they can’t do nowadays, because the playerbase has gotten a case of the ‘i’m a wimp’


That’s the one!!


I wish there were a toggle for all the auto-accept stuff in the world. Everything is so busy that it has left adventuring, exploration and the general sense of feeling alone in a creepy land fragmented.

I do wish I could have seen the upside down sinners before they closed it off.

I also wish they would have given N’Zoth more play. Honestly, I thought Shadowlands was going to be one mother of a horrific vision. Ah well lol…

The playerbase is fine. The esrb however? Not so much

Worst for me was the Maelstrom… I hated that place, we all find creepy in different things…lol

A lot of players simply stay in their cities or garrisons and queue up while leveling. I liked the amount of detail with the creepiness and the environments of the bosses you mentioned. It’s a shame that a new generation of players will not go out there or ignore the detail altogether to check another item off on their personal clipboards. I need to go for a walk around Azeroth.

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i have memories of slowly leveling a hunter in eastern plaguelands using a rotting bear pet while listening to “all along the watchtower”

that’s about the creepiest thing i can remember. the whole game was always pretty tame when it comes to creepiness

my best “creepy” experience in gaming was the first few sessions in the darkzone in TheDivision. the snow, the darkness, the danger, the ambience, the enemies, everything was out there to make you feel creeped out - while other players are out to get you as well… ofc you get used to it and its not creepy anymore… i think thats the problem when going for “creepy”, it really only works for a lil while.

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It wasn’t creepy, it was annoying with little reward


Tbh I was hoping Shadowlands would have had a lot of those features given it was the y’know ‘Realm of Death’ – with lots of hidden crypts and ominous areas, yet it ultimately seemed to be lacking in that too …

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There is this BFA questline that is pretty creepy

Someone decided all of the gore / creepy imagery belongs entirely to the Diablo franchise and that WoW is a fairy tale game with sparkles and pictures of fruit.


Your wall of Text scared me off. Is their a TLDR version?