no. this is not true at all.
i am against this because of the effects it will have on all melee.
no. this is not true at all.
i am against this because of the effects it will have on all melee.
I didnt hear you being against hunters getting a free kings buff when you knew the effects it would have on shaman.
All melee? So it may close the gap in bgs abit with the disparity between ranged and melee? Oh no the horror!
Please, please look up critical thinking. Its actually insane at this point.
diddnt hunters get kings buff like p1? and also pallies got horn and tremor at the same time?
like we arent comparing the same things in the same timeframe here.
like the only change to wildstrikes thats recent is them making it raid wide.
but thats not enough for you.
it also has to not be a rune anymore but a book AND be in all forms.
to make it equal to kings for some reason?
ill tell you what . there was a thing horde got that they wanted quite a bit more than kings (at least everyone that had any type of brain wanted more than kings) while alliance melee wanted windfury more than anything else they got (other than the late comers who realized that they wanted horn back cause it was that strong).
salv. in pve salv was close to an equal value to windfury.
you already got windfury that is better than improved windfury from shaman and i dont care that both sides got it.
i care about the effect that basically a for sure “i will have wf at all times almost” will do to melee mostly warriors but also pallies and to a lesser extent the other melee.
melee druids could run survival instincts or whatever rune in place of it and be way better off.
but whatever.
you think what you want. im going to bed.
Windfury benefits Warriors exclusively in PvP (rogues use poisons in PvP)
Shamans aren’t catering to Warriors in SoD
If you’re in a group that recognizes that Warriors matter, and that they should get windfury… then your group is much more likely, regardless of faction, to convince a feral to run wild strikes than convince SHAMANS (who are beasts in PvP, and have hurdles providing WF between range and groups) to babysit Warriors
TLDR there isn’t any faction imbalance at play here. Shams ain’t babysitting Warriors in SoD. If a group recognizes that Warriors are, in fact, good - then they will find a way to provide wild strikes. Not shamans with WF totems.
So youd have no opposition to both factions getting it through druids in any form? I mean if its already even that would only strengthen melee in bgs.
If pvp is to ever have a chance at being balanced, we need both factions to have the same class options and racials need to be universal. It’s really that simple. It’s also never going to happen so pvp will always be imbalanced.
or hear me out, they make alliance racials just as impactful as the horde racials…
escape artist instant cast breaks and provides 5 seconds immunity (kinda like wotf).
shadow meld usable in combat functioning like a vanish of sorts into stealth but you have to not move still.
perception being always on as a passive but with reduced effectiveness and some other decent racial for humans.
stoneform is already very good though so bleh.
like actually buff the alliance racials and keep it being different .
it doesnt need to be a mirror match to be balanced.
Yeah but a much more simple way for them to balance is to mirror. As you can tell from all of sod, they struggle with balance.
Horde were complaining they werent getting kings because of hunters not running the rune. Guess what they did?
yes i have the solution to all the balance problems.
lets make everyone grey blobs that are all the same shape and hue that hit for 1 damage on their melee attack and have 10 hp.
perfect balance.
Ok so when they balance it for horde, its perfect.
When alliance ask for the same treatment, its homogenizing the classes too much.
Just another critically thought out take by xtra
heh. they already made it raid wide in both forms they can use it in you dolt.
maybe they too can see the abuse and throwing things out of balance if they added it to all forms and on all the time?
i mean you guys just get an inch and want to take a mile.
Personally I’d rather Warriors just get some PvP buffs instead of just begging for easier access to WF which doesn’t really matter that much in the grand scheme of things in SOD PVP anyways.
My 60 Rogue is still in some level 40 AH greens using Widowmaker(level 40 blue dagger with 78 top end damage) and I’m regularly backstabbing Searing Gorge daily mobs for 1800-2000 with sebacious poison up. My decked out warrior with Spinal Reaper never crits with Mortal Strike that high(1300ish on the high end) and he doesn’t have any CC or defensive CDs either. My fresh 60 Rogue is critting a lot higher than my BIS Warrior, QQ
Again, look what they did with kings. I know critical thinking is hard for you
i know critical thinking might be hard for you but consider this.
kings matters alot less to a melee in pvp than having a for sure “i will have wildstrikes” by a large margin.
wildstrikes with good rng turns the tides of battle easily and being able to provide it while also being backline and not having to be in danger is very powerful.
if i were a melee and was asked if i wanted 10% stats vs the chance to get an extra attack on a short icd i would take the extra attack every day and twice on sundays.
Already forgot the post explaining to him how kings is better. 4000 posts of double digit iq
you already forgot where you agreed with me that for melee wildstrikes is better than kings.
but ya please be dishonest again so i can quote you again.
there ya go.
this is your level of critical thinking
“Yeah but what if its a melee group mostly”
Fails to think what if its a ranged group mostly?
Critical thinking is the ability to take in all information, not just the information you are thinking about.