Make wildstrikes baseline in all forms

Hear me out… originally shamans had wind fury and paladins had kings.

In sod the gave druids wildstrikes so alliance could have a source of wind fury, and they have hunters heart of lion so horde could have a source of kings.

Here’s the thing though… they made the heart of lion a skill book so all hunters run it 100% of the time, but wild strikes is still a rune and one that very rarely gets used in PvP /battlegrounds.

I think it should be made into a skill book and it’s make it just passively active at all times regardless of form.

You need 1 Feral druid per raid, it’s already stupid easy to get windfury. Why remove all of Ferals utility and force everyone to play boomkin?

Struggle to get an aus feral in our raids. As the apm / lag makes the spec unenjoyable.

Also is another issue with battleground balance. A shaman can be any spec with any rune combo and can drop wf. Same with hunters and kings.

Only feral druids can give it to alliance, and they dont run the wf rune because they take a pvp rune instead.

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the kings is the same in function of kings from any source.

the feral “windfury” is better than both the base AND the improved windfury totem in the talents because its a flat % and the shaman one is just an easily reached and surpassed base number.

now you not only want to have a better “windfury” you also want it on at all times without having be in a specific form?

wheres my shamans auto windfury thats always on and affects the entire raid and is better numerically than anything a shaman can produce?

you guys are silly.

I have news for you:

Shamans aren’t organizing groups, staying within 20 yards of the warriors in their groups, and dropping windfury in battlegrounds, either

If your group is organized enough to consistently ensure that warriors get windfury with shaman totems, then your group is also organized enough to ensure a feral is using wild strikes (which has a much larger range, is more powerful, and is raid-wide)


horde have druids also so it’s not like youd be losing out on this

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Because Feral is the worse pvp spec in sod

Yes Feral is the worst PvP spec, please let me run Wildstrikes and Survial of the Fittest at the same time Blizzard.

I’m talking about PvP battlegrounds I never have wild strikes.

Bro is too slow to realise both horde and alliance get druids.

Bro is too slow to realise if a druid is currently pvping, they arent taking wild strikes.

Bro doesnt realise horde has druids. Just your typical 4000 poster shaman brain

no to wildstrikes being active in any form other than the bear and cat form cause of the absolute shenanigans of boomkin or other casters also buffing their melee front line without any downsides.

aside from the fact that wildstrikes is better than windfury already (i dont care that horde get druids too. thats not the point.) , being always on would cause way more problems than it helps in pvp.

sure make it a book. i dont really care , though it too would cause balance problems if all feral druids can take a big defensive cooldown while also providing wildstrikes.

but ya, BIG NO to wildstrikes being active in all forms.

Yeah feral is definitely one of the classes that doesnt need a buff in pvp.

Also melee dont need buffs in bgs at all.

Just another xtra take that is completely wrong.

Wait till he realises heart of the lion is better than kings.

Critical thinking going on in xtras head = 0

you know i turned your posts back on for me to see and i see that youre still wrong.

the fact that you think all melee need buffed so much that they should also must have just base windfury always on too makes me think you have no clue about any type of balance at all.

any person with half a brain would know that giving out wildstrikes (which is better than windfury even improved with talents) without any negatives to all melee while also being backed up by a monster of a caster (moonkin) would be silly to the extreme.

you would have to be completely oblivious to whats actually going on to think they would need such a massive buff .

edit to add:

i dont think anyone serious about anything has ever said “moonkin are so underpowered right now that they must also be able to provide wildstrikes due to them sucking so bad”.

which is essentially what youre saying.

Bro doesnt realise it doesnt buff moonkins at all, just the melee around them.

Ele shamans can drop WF. I spose that makes them the most OP caster? Time for some nerfs!!

This dude has 4000 posts and writes out sentences like that. Says i have no clue about balance, but this would give horde and alliance the same amount of WF. Who is the one that has no idea on balance?

Dude is so braindead he cannot for the life of him think critically. Only about his faction.

Even up bgs, give alliance the same level of WF as horde!

you and your dent head takes are entertaining only due to me imagining how someone can be so clueless and still manage to type anything .

theres a difference in a totem that can be killed and is immobile and is party only and a moveable version of it that is also always on and effects the entire raid within range.

also ya it doesnt buff the overpowered moonkin directly, only every single melee around the moonkin in range of it and empowering their team while also being mega op themselves. who really thinks that would be a good idea?

are you really that dense or are you just putting on an act and trolling everyone?

A person that thinks this is a sentence is calling others dent heads.

Bro still forgets horde have druids

Looks like you are asking for ele shaman nerfs. Casters shouldnt be dropping wf totem!

i mean sure lets just not respond to the post directly countering yours.

heres a great idea!

since we are just wanting to give mobile versions of totem buffs (that are in fact better numerically than their base forms) as a book that people can just turn on and forget it, lets also give tremor totem as a pally book that they can just turn on and forget about it with no downsides!

sure sounds balanced!

after all shaman have tremor totem so its only fair right?

youre right, they shouldnt have to drop wf totem. it should just always be on all the time and be mobile!

Bro forgets kings isnt a buff anymore and is given to hunters the same way wf totem is given to druid.

Bro also forgets paladins do get a tremor totem buff for 2mins.

Same dude that was screaming shamans werent strong for 4 phases.

Just more phases of braindead takes from xtra

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you really arent getting the comparisions of making something a book that you can turn on and leave on vs a choice in runes or having some downside in the application of it.

true hunters do get a turn on and forget thing in the form of kings but kings is alot different than wildstrikes or tremor totem .

i suppose i shouldnt be asking for you to be able to see the difference between such skills and the effect of them always being on but for real. be more oblivious.