Make water elemental SCALE and buff frostbolt!

Just like Arms and Fury, right?

Arms is, just like ret. Fury isn’t, none of them need buffs.

What makes Arms a PvP spec but not Fury? What makes Frost a PvP spec but not Arcane or Fire?

What does PvP have to do with any of this? Is Unholy a PvP spec? Why does it do 15k DPS in raids then?

Fury is worse DPS than Frost and Unholy is significantly better than Fury, so DPS has nothing to do with what’s considered a PvP spec, right?

Then be one???

You can be whatever you want.

You just have to accept that what you want is one of the worst pve specs in the game.

You’re not getting both. Class balancing changes for a museum piece game is actually the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.


I’m leveling as warlock. And honestly, mobs die much faster. I wish that I could kill mobs as fast as my aff wlk but I can’t, so I will not play as frost mage cuz is not fun to wait decades to kill mobs.

Removing RDF and other chances where made. Also, this is not a “museum piece game”. Before trying wow classic, I played Ravenloft : Strahd possession and Ravenloft : Stone prophet. This games are far older than wow.

Then cool.

I can’t honestly tell you how much I do not care about what you play. The point I’m making is that you can be whatever you want. Class balance changes to a museum piece game is dumb though.

I support RDF, and are those CLASS BALANCE CHANGES? No. they aren’t.

Stop with the what abouts. We aren’t talking about other aspects of the game.

Older games existing does not invalidate the fact that LKC is a museum piece game.


It’s not, this isn’t Classic Vanilla anymore.

I know. I literally said.

You quoted it.

Still a museum piece.

Edit: you’re not op. I dont care though.

The fact that the talents are centered around mobility and control rather than pure dps. I never said anything about dps numbers, you started talking about numbers lol.

While we’re at it can we make Fel Guard snapshot as much as Gary does? Asking for my main.

Hey at least you’re not a ret paladin. You can always change specs without having to replace your entire set of gear.

Is not only DPS numbers. Warlock classes and mechanics are so well designed.

I wish that Frost Mages are as good as Warlocks. And could build their own Frost Golems in a questchain for eg, had nasty spells like Deathcoil and Howl of Terror, and so on. Since they can’t, I will play as Affliction warlock which is always in top DPS. IS a cool character concept IMO. Not a big deal.

Every single talent tree in the game has mobility and control. Arcane Mage 41 point talent is “Slow.” They don’t even take their 51 point talent for PvE. Is the Arcane tree a PvP tree?

Because I’m trying to understand your arbitrary definition of a “PvP” spec.

yea pls buff RMP

I don’t know what you expected out of a Classic version of a game that, in the time period we are playing in, seemed to specifically push certain specs into one aspect of the game or not.

Frost Mage is pretty much a prodigy child of PvP until later expansions where they brought it down and buffed its PvE viability. I don’t really remember where it finally got to start seeing some competitiveness, but it’s not WoTLK.

If they aren’t buffing Ret paladins they sure as hell ain’t buffing Frost Mages.

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It’s not my fault you don’t understand what a PvP spec is. Maybe google it if it’s so difficult to grasp.

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Frost is not just a PvP spec. I’m sorry my Blood DK outdps’s you in your “PvP” spec on every single raid boss. Maybe you can google your rotation if it’s so difficult to grasp.

You seen salty I called ret a PvP spec lol.

Why would I be? I don’t play Ret. I also don’t understand why you would call Ret a PvP spec. I responded to your passive aggressive quip with one of my own.

I think you’re either confused, or trolling. Maybe both?

ur the one trolling pretending frost is not a pvp spec