Make Us Gods Already

Maybe not the ones you worship…

Derketo would like to know your location

If they make players gods then they have to make stronger enemies which really is just going to be stronger on paper and nothing will change.

Super important topic here!!!

Really though. And it would be hard to explain why a god couldn’t just pimp slaps mobs into the afterlife

I mean, there’s no harm of actually implementing a system where we the players become immortal.

I mean we the Adventurers; took down three Old Gods (doesn’t matter whether or not they were weakened, the fact that we were able to get rid/contain a threat the titans themselves deemed impossible, proves some feats capable of achieving immortal status. Taking down Deathwing, Being the Champion of Azeroth, battling the Legion, and going toe to toe with Argus gained through a partnership with the pantheon to take him and Sargeras are all feats that no ordinary mortal should be able to do continuously.

IMO, it’s always bugged me out that someone capable of achieving results that are compared to some of the big hitters of WoW like Illidan, and Broxigar and still be considered “normal” or the adventurer is beyond me.

Like I get in Legion, we finally were acknowledged and became the respective leaders of our class, but none of that matters after the events of Legion. Like no one calls you Highlord or Archmage. They act as nothing happened. And even now, as the Champion of Azeroth, it’s unclear what that really means. (Besides nursing her back to health)

If you’re gonna write us into some BS avengers level plot and not have us deemed immortal or something equivalent, what’s the point? Especially at the end of the day we’re called “The Adventurer” or Champion of [insert faction] like that’s suppose to make us feel special. TBH, IDK. Maybe I’m reading too much into it.

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What am I going to be the god of? Killing and eating gnomes? Crazy rants about being an Inquisitor from Warhammer 40k? Or maybe the God of doing random stupid stuff for farmers?

I’m not saying its this one but…


It’s this one.

You should get a Goblin rep bonus for that comment! So hot!

Fine… I will be the God of Pointless Tasks. But i still get to kill and eat gnomes!